35 more dengue cases in Punjab

Author: inp

Punjab reported 35 new dengue cases during last 24 hours, taking the overall number to 667 in 2024, so far, health department spokesperson, on Sunday.

Dengue virus is a mosquito-borne viral disease that has rapidly spread in recent years around the world. Dengue virus is transmitted by female mosquitoes mainly of the species Aedes aegypti and, to a lesser extent, Ae. albopictus.

According to details, Punjab reported 219 fresh dengue cases in last week including 17 during last 24 hours. Beside creating awareness on dengue spread in masses, the authority has been taking punitive actions against those involved in Dengue SOPs violations.

Earlier, an owner of a tyre shop was booked over the presence of dengue larvae during outdoor dengue larvae surveillance.

According to official sources, the anti-dengue teams carried out inspections at Kabari Bazaar and found larvae in the tyre workshop. The team got registered a case against the owner Amanullah.

On June 23, the District Health Authority Rawalpindi, detected larvae at 8,064 sites during anti-dengue surveillance from January 1, 2024.

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