BISP plants 530,578 saplings nationwide

Author: APP

In an order to contribute to the government’s efforts towards environmental conservation, the internationally acclaimed Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) has successfully planted 530,578 saplings through engaging its registered beneficiaries and staff under the ongoing “Green Pakistan, Benazir Pakistan” plantation drive.

According to an official source, the plantation drive was launched on the Independence Day with an objective to support government efforts towards combating the effects of climate change, improving air quality and enhancing green cover across the country.

The plantation drive was taking place across all provinces, including Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. BISP employees, along with 9.3million deserving families, are participating in this campaign which is contributing to make Pakistan greener and more sustainable.

Chairperson BISP, Senator Rubina Khalid praised the efforts of the beneficiaries emphasizing the importance of collective action in the fight against climate change.

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