500kg unhygienic meat discarded in Lahore

Author: APP

The Punjab Food Authority (PFA) has foiled an attempt to supply 500kg unhygienic meat of sick animals while carrying out a special raid in the provincial metropolis here on Monday.

PFA Director General Muhammad Asim Javaid said that acting on a tip-off, PFA raided a building in the Township and recovered 12.5 maunds of inferior-quality meat hidden under the seats of a passenger van (LET-2061).

He said that PFA had discarded the meat after seizing it during a raid. He said stinky meat was to be supplied to different local food points after preparation. The use of expired meat can cause diseases for consumers, he said.

He said that PFA lodged a case against a meat supplier for carrying meat of sick animals to meat shops in Lahore while handing an accused over to police after being apprehended during the raid.

The PFA DG appreciated the raiding team for taking timely action against the enemies of public health and ruining their unholy ambitions. He further said that strict punishment laws are being introduced to eradicate mafia dealing in substandard food.

He warned that the PFA will take strict action against food business operators who sell substandard meat. He also directed FBOs to ensure compliance with food authority rules in the Punjab.

The director general has requested the public to support the authority in eliminating the adulteration mafia and report to the PFA on its 1223 helpline number in case of any complaint.

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