Resolution against ISRA Act amendment tabled in Sindh Assembly

Author: Agencies

President People’s Party Sindh Nisar Khuhro on Monday tabled resolution in Sindh Assembly against amendments to IRSA Act and non-implementation of the 1991 water accord.

PPP Sindh’s President Nisar Khuhro speaking on the floor of the house said that Sindh’s people will not accept amendments in the Indus River System Authority (IRSA) Act at any cost. “The water has been a provincial subject and without consent from a province the law could not be amended,” Khuhro said.

PPP leader said that no serving or retired bureaucrat can hold the office of the Chairman IRSA. “Federal government should not act in a manner to weaken the federation,” he urged. He said all chief ministers had signed the water accord of 1991. “Sindh’s lands are not being cultivated without water and water being provided in rotation in several areas,” he said. “According to the law the people in tail-end have primary right over the river water, Sindh has been in tail, and it has first right over the river water”, he declared.

He said IRSA is not distributing river water according to ‘para-ii’ “If there is any water shortage, slash share of all provinces, why only Sindh is being subjected to this excess,” Nisar Khuhro said.

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