Pakistani team bags two bronze medals in IOI 2024

Author: APP

The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) 2024 took place in Alexandria, Egypt, from September 1 to 8, and for the first time, a team from Pakistan participated in this prestigious global competition. According to the Education Ministry, teams from 96 countries competed, showcasing their talents in computer science and programming.

“We are proud to announce that the Pakistani team comprising four students achieved an impressive result in their debut appearance, securing two bronze medals”.

The students who brought this honour to Pakistan are Mr Muhammad Umair Ahmad Mirza and Mr Kaleem Raza Syed. Additionally, Mr. Muhammad Saram received an Honorable Mention for his outstanding performance. This remarkable success is a significant achievement for a country participating for the first time in such a high-level international programming competition.

Pakistan ranked 45th overall among the 96 competing nations, gave an encouraging result, especially considering it was the team’s inaugural participation in the IOI. The Ministry officials said, “We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the students for their dedication and success in this competition”.

We are confident that this achievement marks the beginning of even greater successes for Pakistan in future international contests, and we look forward to seeing continued progress and excellence from our young talent, they added.

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