Cotton stockpile grows at ginneries

Author: APP

Over 1.2 million (1,225,946) seed cotton (Phutti) bales reached in total 272 ginning factories across Pakistan till August 31.

According to a report of Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association (PCGA) issued to media on Tuesday, Punjab ginning factories recorded cotton arrival figures of 452,855 bales,while arrivals in Sindh recorded at 773,091 bales including 569,674 reaching ginneries in Sanghar district alone. Arrivals in Baluchistan were recorded at 30,450 bales. Out of the total arrivals, seed cotton converted into bales was recorded at 1,193,622 bales. Exporters/traders bought 400 cotton bales while textile sector bought total 1,171,982 bales. Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP) has not yet started procuring cotton in 2024-25, says the report. As many as 53,564 unsold bales stock was present.

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