Path to the White House

Author: Daily Times

With the highly-anticipated presidential elections in the US drawing closer, the spotlight remains firmly fixed on Kamala Harris, the current Vice President, who found herself as the Democratic standard-bearer in the extraordinary circumstances.

There’s no denying the success of her campaign, which depicts her as a resolute and strong leader ready to confront the challenges of the presidency. However, all the massive fundraising and all the endorsements from the right quarters still seem insufficient when considering her prospects for the crown. From the looks of it, she may have become the in-vogue candidate but her rival, Donald Trump, refuses to throw in the towel just yet.

However, it is becoming hard to find the method to his madness as his desperateness pushes him into an unwelcome territory: undisguised misogyny. Questioning the fitness of a woman candidate may have worked in his favour against Hillary Clinton in 2016 but the America of 2024 does not seem to have it within itself to stomach toxic masculinity at the expense of having its first female commander-in-chief.

Harris’ first election campaign interview has done wonders as she, contrary to the speculations, was presented as a candidate willing to engage with the press and tackle tough questions, demonstrating her readiness to lead the country, even on issues like healthcare and immigration. Despite confronting criticism and scrutiny, Kamala Harris remains resolute in defending her policy positions and vision for the future; something that is bound to pull at the heartstrings of ordinary voters, come election day.

Still, the undecided voters carry a lot of weight and they appear unconvinced by her journey. For them, the historic candidacy or reputation as a symbol of progress does not matter as much as the substance behind her claims of a more moral and ideal-based presidency. Hesitating to endorse Israel’s arms embargo or take a stand on the gender issue, she is still risking it all, close to the finish line. *

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