Time to Root Out Enemies of Progress

Author: Javed Iqbal

Balochistan experienced a deadly wave of terrorism on the night between 25th and 26th August wherein, at least 54 innocent people, including 10 soldiers and four law-enforcers, were martyred in different districts of Balochistan. The terrorists targeted police stations, paramilitary camps and levies stations. The most heinous act was the massacre of 23 people who were offloaded from buses, trucks and other vehicles, mostly belonging to south Punjab, in Musakhel district. The banned outfit BLA has claimed responsibility for the attacks. In response, the security forces killed 21 terrorists in three districts of the province.

Involvement of India in terrorist activities in Balochistan has become an open secret now. The confessional statement of an Indian serving Naval officer regarding New Delhi’s involvement in sabotage and terrorist activities in Balochistan is on record. Moreover, the revelations made by the arrested TTP commander, Nasrullah, regarding TTP-RAW-BLA nexus also reinforces this stance.

However, the factor playing a major role in fanning the flames of chaos in Pakistan is BLA’s strategy of creating a rift between the state institutions and the Baloch masses, especially the youth. It effectively uses Balochistan’s backwardness and the narrative of missing persons as a reason to gain political leverage and malign state institutions. However, the narrative of missing persons was busted when Tayyab Baloch alias Ilyas Lala, son of Maula Bakhsh, a resident of Noshki, who allegedly went missing and an FIR was registered in April 2024, was found involved in the recent suicide attack on an FC camp in Bela. This is not the first time BLA played this dirty game; a resident of Turbat, Karim Jan, was reported missing on May 25, 2022 but later found among the perpetrators of Gwadar attack. There are several more examples of individuals who went missing and later found to be complacent in creating anarchy and lawlessness in the country.

It is worth mentioning that besides CPEC, currently 43 out of 57 development projects of education, health and infrastructure are under progress in Balochistan. After completion, these projects will not only yield positive results in the form of employment for local people but will also bring royalty of 80% for Balochistan. Additionally, to address the water issue of Balochistan, a mega water development project of $125 Billion worth with $100 billion financing by Asian Development Bank is being started. The proposed project will be implemented in the Zhob and Mula river basins. The project will improve land and water resources management, agricultural productivity and farm income in Balochistan and last but not least the institutional capacity of the Government of Balochistan to implement its integrated water resources management policy. However, with BLA’s and foreign elements’ hostile designs to impede the developmental projects, the future of Baloch nationals and youth is at stake.

It is high time for coordinated efforts as it is the only way to eradicate the menace of terrorism. For this, all political parties and tribal leaders need to iron out their differences and join hands with each other as well as fully support state actions against anti-state elements.

The writer is a freelance columnist with special focus on issues concerning national security.

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