New World Disorder

Author: Nawazish Ali

The “New World Disorder” refers to the current global reshaping marked by a rise in jingoism, political polarization, economic inequality, regional conflicts, disruptive technologies, and shifting power dynamics; that signifies a tangent departure from the post-World War-II scenario based on multilateralism, free trade, and deference for human rights. As of now, numerous countries prioritise respective national interests over global cooperation, leading to uncertainty and competition in addressing global challenges.

The rising challenges posed by China and Russia are forcing the US to reassess its leadership role and inland security measures in prevailing world disorder. The ever-growing political divide is impacting Americans’ international standing, financial disparities, and overall urge to make impulsive decisions and hegemonic attitudes. In the fabric of US society, economic inequality and uncertainty are omnipresent factors that touch every aspect of Americans’ lives and play a significant role in shaping the country’s evolution. Addressing these issues requires engagement and resource allocation amid a challenging environment for global cooperation.

The uncertainty of the “New World Disorder” adds a layer of complexity to China’s ascent as a significant global power, necessitating careful consideration and adaptability to shifting realities. However, the advancement in money matters, regional influences, and military capabilities are establishing China as a leading power in the international order.

Diversifying economies, reducing reliance on oil exports, supporting democratic governance, and effectively managing refugee crises are vital for Middle Eastern prospects.

It is taking on leadership positions in various international organizations and forums, showcasing its growing influence and presence on the world stage. It is making significant advancements in innovation, particularly in areas such as artificial intelligence, renewable energy, and infrastructure development, further solidifying its position as a leader in technological modernism. The economy is on a path of steady growth, with China emerging as a key player in the global market through increased trade and investment.

The heated competition and conflict between China and the US is playing a crucial role in shaping worldwide geopolitics and global economic structures. The ascension of China has raised concerns among neighbouring nations about a complex strategic environment heightening regional tensions. The country is also facing challenges related to human rights abuses, labour practices, and global warming underscoring the importance of sustainable development and good governance.

The global standing hinges on China’s involvement in crafting international regulations and standards, serving as a pivotal player in global governance, and addressing internal issues like financial corruption and inequality to uphold social stability and ensure continued growth as a global powerhouse amid the uncertainties of the emerging international system.

India is strengthening relationships with strategic partners such as the US, Japan, and Australia. Indian economy is rapidly growing due to its increased global trade and investment and is rapidly expanding its political and cultural influence, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region.

India is a leader in innovation in fields like IT, space exploration, and renewable energy, with a young population that offers a significant workforce and consumer market. Internally, it deals with political divisions and challenges to its democratic institutions, necessitating investments in infrastructure to support economic growth and urbanization. However, it faces competition and tensions with China, especially in the Himalayan region, as well as security concerns with Indian Held Kashmir. India must navigate its complex relationships with the neighbouring countries while addressing domestic and regional challenges, and adapting its foreign and domestic policies to the evolving international environment.

Global power shifts involving the US, China, and Russia impact the geopolitics of the Middle East, currently facing significant challenges amidst the new global dispensation. Ongoing conflicts in countries like Israel/Palestine, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Iraq have led to unprecedented political instability and violence.

The persistent threat of extremism from organizations such as ISIS and al-Qaeda continues to pose a grave danger, fueling proxy wars and power struggles among countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran. The region also grapples with refugee crises from conflicts in Syria, Palestine, Sudan and Yemen. To address these challenges, regional cooperation, diplomatic manoeuvres, and resolution to economic and political issues are crucial. Diversifying economies, reducing reliance on oil exports, supporting democratic governance, and effectively managing refugee crises are vital for the Middle East region’s prospects of future growth.

Pakistan plays a crucial role in the current global landscape for its strategic location at the crossroads of the Middle East, Central Asia, and South Asia. Despite its importance in regional politics, the country faces internal security challenges like terrorism and sectarian violence, as well as serious economic issues such as rising foreign debts, massive financial corruption and multiplying poverty. Pakistan’s tumultuous past with non-state actors and militant factions continues to pose a looming danger to regional stability, while the complex interplay between civilian and military powers within the country greatly influences its political stability. Having a nuclear arsenal creates additional challenges for Pakistan in its status in global diplomacy, as its connections with neighbouring countries like India and Afghanistan mould regional power balances.

The United Nations was set up not to get us to heaven, but only to save us from hell. – Winston Churchill

The writer is a retired Pakistan Army Officer and can be reached at

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