A Shield Against Terror

Author: Rakhshanda Mehtab

An old proverb, “A stitch in time saves nine,” perfectly describes Iran’s recent decision to build a concrete wall along its 295 km border with Afghanistan, reflecting a proactive approach to emerging security threats.

The security situation along the Afghanistan-Iran border has significantly deteriorated since the Taliban’s takeover in August 2021. This power shift has emboldened offshoots of the Islamic State (IS), leading to a series of cross-border attacks in Iran over the past three years.

In January 2024, the Islamic State Khorasan (ISIS-K) claimed responsibility for two devastating blasts in Kerman, resulting in over 80 fatalities. Similarly, in 2022, more than a dozen people were killed when IS targeted a Shiite shrine in Shiraz. The terrorist group considers the Shiite majority in Iran as apostates and these attacks support this belief.

Additionally, the eastern and southeast parts of Iran are a major transit route for drugs that are imported into Europe from Afghanistan.

Iran’s move to construct the wall is a strategic effort to address security threats preemptively.

In response to these threats, the Iranian army has increased its ground troop presence along the Afghan border. However, despite these heightened security measures, migrants are still able to cross due to the porous nature of the border.

Iran’s move to construct the wall is a strategic effort to address security threats preemptively. The 295 kilometers long wall, is intended to stop drug smuggling, illegal crossings and terrorist infiltrations.

This decision not only emphasizes Iran’s commitment to safeguarding its territory but also signals a broader regional concern regarding Afghanistan’s detrimental influence.

Reports from the United Nations and the International community confirm the resurgence of Kharijite, al-Qaeda and Daesh camps in the region.

The rise of terrorist groups like Fitna e Khawarij and Daesh Khorasan in Afghanistan has ignited a wave of instability that extends beyond its borders. Their growing influence and widespread reach pose a significant threat to regional stability and security.

Iran’s decisive action reveals that other nations share similar concerns about Afghanistan’s negative impact on the region and that Pakistan’s stance on the country’s escalating terrorism is not merely one-sided.

Pakistan has frequently expressed concerns about the use of Afghan territory by terrorist organizations. Pakistan has faced significant challenges due to terrorist activities originating from Afghanistan. Terrorist groups based in Afghan territory have carried out numerous attacks on Pakistani security forces, leading to tragic loss of life.

In conclusion, by constructing the concrete wall along its border with Afghanistan, Iran is not only protecting its territory but also sending a strong message to the international community about the gravity of the threats posed by terrorist groups operating from Afghanistan.

The writer is a freelance Content Writer and Columnist and can be reached at rakhshandamehtab@gmail.com

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