In a heartbreaking and mysterious incident, four members of a Lahore family, including two women and a young child, were found dead in a parked car near Bhera on the M-2 Motorway on Friday morning. The tragedy struck as the family was on their way from Lahore to Islamabad when their journey took a fatal turn. Rescue 1122 discovered the lifeless bodies in the car, while the driver, Umar Qasim, was found unconscious and rushed to the hospital. According to rescue sources, the unfortunate family was from McLeod Road, Lahore, and was travelling from Lahore to Islamabad in a car with the registration number LEF 7339. The victims have been identified as 55-year-old Romaila, 30-year-old Maher, 25-year-old Samar, and 6-year-old boy Aun Ali. The cause of this devastating loss remains a mystery, with initial suspicions pointing to either poisoning or the consumption of toxic food.
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