Punjab to reward public for green efforts

Author: APP

In a bid to combat climate change and control smog, Punjab Secretary for Environment and Climate Change Raja Jahangir Anwar Thursday unveiled a comprehensive plan to accelerate the “Plant for Pakistan” campaign, where a novel initiative to reward the public’s green contributions is being launched.

The initiative aims to recognize and encourage individuals, communities, and organizations to make efforts to plant trees, reduce pollution, and adopt eco-friendly habits, thereby contributing to a cleaner, greener, and healthier environment in Punjab, he said while talking to a Private news channel.

He explained that the government will make “green investments” in sectors severely impacted by climate change, supporting their transition to more sustainable practices, adding, furthermore climate change education will be integrated into school curricula to raise awareness and promote climate literacy among students.

In a unique move, the government will also offer an honorarium to individuals who contribute to environmental conservation by planting trees and recycling waste, encouraging community-led initiatives and fostering a culture of sustainability, he mentioned.

By offering a monetary reward to individuals who plant trees and recycle waste, the government aims to create a culture of environmental responsibility, where citizens are motivated to contribute to the country’s ecological well-being, he highlighted.

This honorarium scheme will not only encourage individuals to adopt eco-friendly practices but also inspire a sense of pride and civic duty, as people become actively engaged in preserving Pakistan’s natural resources for future generations, he said. As a result, the initiative has the potential to spark a grassroots movement, driving meaningful change and fostering a sustainable future for the country, he added.

Raja Jahangir Anwar urged citizens to cooperate with the government in its efforts to combat climate change and promote sustainability. He emphasized that the success of initiatives like the “Plant for Pakistan” campaign and the honorarium scheme relies heavily on community participation and support.

By working together, the government and citizens can achieve significant positive impact, from reducing pollution and conserving natural resources to mitigating the effects of climate change, he added. Anwar encouraged individuals, communities, and organizations to join hands with the government, sharing their ideas, resources, and expertise to create a sustainable future for Pakistan. Through collective action, Pakistan can become a model for environmental stewardship and sustainable development, ensuring a healthier, greener, and more prosperous nation for generations to come, he added.

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