Attempts to weaken army tantamount to undermine country: COAS

Author: Agencies

Army Chief General Asim Munir has stated weakening the armed forces is tantamount to weakening the country, pledging that the military will not allow let its sacrifices to go in vain. He stated this while addressing the Azadi Parade at PMA in Kakul on the eve of Independence Day late Tuesday. “Pakistan came into being to stand out among the comity of nations. Pakistan is a fait accompli and it cannot be undone,” the army chief stated. Gen Munir said the country’s people “are living as a free nation owing to the martyrs’ sacrifices”. “We emerge as a strong nation after trial and tribulations. To weaken Pakistan’s armed forces is tantamount to weakening the country itself.” The army chief said armed forces will not let sacrifices of their martyrs to go waste. “Unfortunately the forces who have evil designs of extremism and extremism have surfaced in our country.” Gen Munir said that the base of our national consciousness is the ideology of Pakistan, which stands on the two-nation theory. “May the Almighty Allah grant us the courage and strength to defend the country and make it a successful and great example for future generations.” The army chief said that the two-nation theory provided an opportunity to the Muslims of the subcontinent to have separate identity, culture and civilization.

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