Pakistani exhibitors tap into potential at inaugural Lhasa Imports Expo

Author: inp

Lhasa, the capital of the Xizang Autonomous Region, China, was abuzz with excitement as it hosted the first-ever Lhasa Shoton Imports Expo 8n the recent week.

The event featured 246 enterprises from 31 countries and regions, marking it the largest expo of imported goods in the region in over a decade.

Among the diverse range of participants showcasing over 1,000 types of goods, Pakistani exhibitors stood out with four handicraft enterprises presenting their exquisite creations to a captivated crowd, Gwadar Pro reported on Monday. Pakistani stalls decorated with intricate jade pieces, ornate copperware and other handcrafted items attracted significant attention from local residents and international visitors.

Faisal Rasheed, a seasoned participant in Xizang’s exhibitions, expressed his enthusiasm for the event. “I love Xizang, and this is my third visit,” he said. “In May, I participated in an exhibition here and achieved sales of 300,000 yuan.

This time, I have brought millions of yuan worth of goods and I am very confident about our sales prospects. The Xizang market has a unique appreciation for quality craftsmanship, and our Pakistani handicrafts resonate well with their aesthetic sensibilities.”

Kamil Muhammad, a first-time visitor to Xizang and representative of another Pakistani handicraft enterprise, shared similar sentiments. “I’m grateful to the organizer for inviting us to this exhibition,” he said.

“It’s a wonderful opportunity to introduce Pakistani handicrafts to the people of Xizang. I hope this platform will not only enhance the visibility of our craftsmanship but also foster a deeper appreciation for our rich cultural heritage.”

With over 600 international merchants in attendance, the event fostered a vibrant atmosphere of networking and collaboration, providing a unique platform for exhibitors to showcase their products and explore new markets.

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