Pakistan Turns 77

Author: Muhammad Zahid Rifat

Pakistan is all set to turn 77 as the people quite enthusiastically are going to celebrate the auspicious occasion of Independence Day on August 14, 2024 thanks to the continued blessings of Almighty Allah.

This is indeed a great occasion that the Pakistanis are going to celebrate within the geographical frontiers of the motherland and also abroad in foreign countries all over the world.

Kashmiris in the occupied territory and all over the world observed the second darkest day in their history the black day Youm-e-Istehsal-i-Kashmir on August 5, 2024, which was also observed by the people and government of Pakistan in furtherance of their continued moral, and political and diplomatic support in furtherance of their solidarity for Kashmiris just, fair and indigenous freedom struggle.

Besides expressing gratitude in all possible manners to Almighty Allah, the people, while celebrating Independence Day, should pay homage to the leaders and forefathers of the Pakistan Movement whose struggle and sacrifices led to the creation of a new motherland, Pakistan, out of nowhere, on the world map under the inspiring leadership and statesmanship of great leader Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

The people should pay homage to the leaders and forefathers of the Pakistan Movement whose struggle and sacrifices led to the creation of a new motherland.

Pakistan is just 77 and this is no age for a country. With the blessings of Almighty Allah, it has to go a long, long way over the coming centuries and stay forever on the world map overcoming all its internal and external challenges and problems. It is a matter of record that Pakistan has already overcome many of its internal and external challenges quite successfully and its people are determined, united and committed as ever to continue facing these challenges steadfastly, boldly and courageously in future.

This great occasion also calls for some soul searching and catharsis regarding how much Pakistan has given to us all these years and how much we are repaying these heavy debts in all these years and continue doing the same regularly as long as we continue breathing in the free and independent atmosphere of our beloved motherland.

The Quaid-i-Azam had departed to eternity much sooner leaving behind his three golden principles of Unity, Faith and Discipline which need to be continuously remembered and practised in letter and spirit by all of us by sustaining faith, maintaining unity in our ranks and files and adhering to and strictly observing discipline both individually and collectively while combating internal and external challenges squarely and moving forward and onward on the path of progress, development, prosperity and self-reliance and continue upholding national solidarity and sovereignty at all costs.

The Quaid-i-Azam is on record having stated: “Now that Pakistan has come into existence, every person living within the territories of Pakistan, be he/she a Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Christian or professing any other faith, he/she is a Pakistani as religion is an individual’s personal belief.”

For years, Pakistan has faced menaces of terrorism, extremism and militancy threatening its security, solidarity and sovereignty directly and indirectly more than anything else.

Men, women and children have lost their lives in terrorist attacks by hostile elements backed and sponsored from across the borders.

It is quite commendable that the officers and jawans of the Pakistan Army, Air Force Navy and law enforcement agencies, fully backed and supported by the government, political leadership and the people at large have continued fighting the militants, terrorists and other anti-State elements and ensuring national security and solidarity no matter how much sacrifices they have to offer.

The people should forge and maintain complete unity, discipline and faith in their ranks and file, be above petty selfish personal, political and regional biases, prejudices and interests, keep the national interests supreme and uppermost in their minds, hearts and all activities, remembering all the time that they owe a lot to Pakistan for continuously breathing and flourishing in a free, independent and sovereign atmosphere.

Discharge your duties and obligations sincerely, honestly and objectively, and be a good, responsible and patriotic Pakistani This will surely and certainly go a long way in preserving, protecting and safeguarding our hard-earned independence and ensuring much desired and needed national security, unity, solidarity and sovereignty no matter how much we suffer and have to sacrifice. We are free and independent because of Pakistan with the continued blessings of Almighty Allah. Long live Pakistan.

The writer is a Lahore-based freelance journalist, columnist and retired Deputy Controller (News), Radio Pakistan, Islamabad and can be reached at

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