‘Aladdin’ cast remembers Robin Williams on death anniversary


Robin Williams was just remembered by his Aladdin costar, Scott Weinger, who worked on the iconic childhood series.

As August 11 marks ten years since the passing of the comedian, Weinger recalled working with one of his heroes, remembering how he was just 15-years-old when he first met Williams, to begin production on the Disney film.

Weinger was the voice behind Aladdin in the movie, a poor boy who unexpectedly befriends a magic carpet and finds a lamp inhabited by a magical genie, voiced by Williams.

“I think it was when I first met him, we were introduced and they said, ‘This is Scott, he’s Aladdin.’ And he shook my hand and he said, ‘I’ll be your genie,’ ” he told PEOPLE magazine, referring to the first time he met Williams.

He continued, “Which I thought was very cool.” Praising the comedian further, Weinger noted, “All I can say is that he was a one-of-a-kind person. He was somebody that I was very fortunate to meet.” The only word I can say to really describe it is that I was very privileged to have an opportunity, to be in his orbit for a little while and to be associated with him forever thanks to this movie,” the Aladdin star stated.

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