Army Chief’s Clear Message

Author: Ali Anwar

Terrorism is once again rearing its head in Pakistan, and some people are targeting the Pakistani armed forces in the name of Islam. Certainly, these people are spreading Mischief on earth and causing Islam to be defamed worldwide.

They use the name of Islam, which deceives simple-minded people into thinking that perhaps they are serving Islam or that they are Islamic groups. In reality, this is not the case. These terrorist groups consider all Muslims outside their circle as infidels and regard themselves as the true inheritors of Islam. These people have no connection whatsoever with Islam.

This is why the head of Pakistan’s armed forces, General Syed Asim Munir, had to speak out against them. Army Chief General Syed Asim Munir stated that those who do not follow Shariah and the Constitution, should not be considered Pakistani. Speaking at the National Ulema Convention in Islamabad, he said that the greatest crime in the sight of Allah is spreading mischief on earth. The Pakistan Army is striving to eliminate mischief on earth in accordance with the command of Allah. He emphasized that while protests are acceptable, they should remain peaceful; however, for those who do not follow Shariah and the Constitution, we do not consider them Pakistani. Syed Asim Munir further said that Allah commands that there is no compulsion in religion.

Ulema should encourage patience and unity rather than extremism and division; they should promote moderation in society and reject mischief on earth.

He mentioned that Pakistan has hosted millions of Afghans for over 40 years, and the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have made great sacrifices in the war on terrorism. We stand with our Pashtun brothers and the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, appreciating their efforts.

Army Chief General Syed Asim Munir further said that the Kharijites are a major fitna (evil). Do not oppose your neighbouring brotherly Islamic country for the sake of this fitna of Kharijites. General Asim Munir revealed that criminals and smuggling mafias are backing terrorism.

He added that social media is being used to spread chaos, and no one dares to blaspheme the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

If anyone tries to spread chaos in Pakistan, we will stand against them.

The Army Chief said that no power in the world could harm Pakistan because this country was made to endure.

If you want to understand the importance of a state, ask Iraq, Syria, and Libya. Millions of Asim Munirs, millions of politicians, and millions of ulema are ready to sacrifice for this Pakistan.

The Army Chief said that Western culture and lifestyle are not our ideals; we should be proud of our civilization. Those who said they drowned the Two-Nation Theory in the Bay of Bengal, where are they today?

General Syed Asim Munir clarified in his logical speech that it is evident that our neighbouring country Afghanistan is hosting the fitna of Kharijites involved in terrorism in Pakistan and is not handing them over to Pakistan, which is why there is a risk of unrest spreading again in Pakistan.

They associate themselves with Pakistan and Islam, but in reality, such terrorist groups have no connection with either Islam or Pakistan.

They only know how to commit terrorism, and the Afghan government should uproot those spreading mischief on earth instead of hosting them. Because neither Islam permits this, nor is there any place for such actions in Shariah.

If the Afghan government calls itself the Islamic Emirate, it should expel these Kharijites from its land and hand them over to the Pakistani army so that this fitna can be dealt with before it rises again.

In the end, Army Chief General Asim Munir also briefly mentioned the situation in Bangladesh, stating that those who said they had drowned the Two-Nation Theory in the Bay of Bengal, where are they today?

His statement is entirely based on reality; Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who is called Bangabandhu and played a role in breaking up Pakistan, whose daughter hanged those in her country who sympathized with Pakistan, today his statues are being torn down in his land, and those associated with the Awami League cannot even find a place to hide.

Certainly, this is a failure for those who claimed to have drowned the Two-Nation Theory in the Bay of Bengal. Today, Bangladesh exists next to India, but the head of Bangladesh’s caretaker government has also demanded that India reassess its relations with the wrong people in Bangladesh and correct itself. Certainly, the situation in Bangladesh is a moment of reflection for India, as the seed it sowed has been uprooted by the people, showing that the people of Bangladesh do not tolerate oppression and injustice, nor will they tolerate any government working against Islam.

The writer is an old Aitchisonian who believes in freedom of expression, a freelance columnist, entrepreneur and social activist.

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