OGDCL announces discovery of gas condensate in Kohat

Author: APP

Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) on Tuesday announced the discovery of gas condensate in the Razgir-1 exploratory well, in the Tal Block, located in the Kohat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The Razgir-1 exploratory well was spudded-in on January 9, 2024, and has been successfully drilled down to a depth of 3774 meters True Vertical Depth (TVD) according to news release of the OGDCL.

Based on the interpretation results of wireline logs data, the Kawagarh-1 formation (Exploratory Target) was tested successfully at a rate of around 16.4 Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day (MMSCFD) of gas and 159 Barrels per Day (BPD) of condensate. This was achieved at a choke size of 40/64″ and a Wellhead Flowing Pressure (WHFP) of 1874 Pounds per Square Inch (Psi).

This significant discovery in the Tal Block de-risked further exploration play in the area, leading to new upside opportunities. The newfound hydrocarbon reserves will play a crucial role in enhancing the indigenous supply of hydrocarbons, thereby contributing to the country’s energy security. OGDCL is committed to exploring and developing the country’s hydrocarbon resources efficiently and sustainably.

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