Eighth Space Summer School to be held at IST from Aug 5-9

Author: APP

The Space Education Research Lab (SERL) of the National Center of GIS and Space Applications (NCGSA) will hold the eighth Space Summer School from August 5-9, featuring a number of space-related exciting activities for the learners.

According to the IST, the Space Summer School will be held at the Institute of Space Technology (IST) and students from Grades 6-12 can participate in the event.

The Space Summer School will give an opportunity to the students to explore the wonders of space through interactive lectures, hands-on activities, exciting competitions, and innovative projects. The summer school will also provide an opportunity to visit state-of-the-art labs and participate in a mesmerizing Astronomy Night.

The space summer school 2024 will contain interactive lectures, hands-on activities, software simulations, STEAM-based space activities/projects, and lab visits within the following domains including Astronomy and Astrophysics; Earth and Atmosphere; Aviation; Rocketry and Satellite Technology and Applications.

The students will be divided into two groups including the Abecedarian Group for Grades 6-8 and Virtuoso Group Grade 9-12. The Abecedarian and Virtuoso groups will follow their schedule separately. Abecedarians will have interactive lectures and activities covering all the domains of the summer school.

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