A-list actor Feroze Khan calls his second wife, Dr Zainab, his ‘best gift’, eliminating all the speculations. A day after the hawk-eyed netizens found out that Feroze Khan had deleted all the pictures featuring his wife, from his Instagram handle, including their wedding announcement photo, and speculated if there was trouble in the paradise, only within a month of their marriage, the former silenced all the rumours with his latest social media move. Not only did the ‘Habs’ star restore multiple archived posts on the feed, including the wedding picture, but he also reposted the same photo on his Instagram stories with the caption, “Best gift,” confirming that they are doing absolutely well together and their relationship is stronger than ever. For the unversed, Feroze Khan announced his second marriage with Dr Zainab last month. Hours after the pictures and videos from the private affair made rounds on social media, the ‘Habs’ star turned to his Instagram handle on June 1, with the first picture of the new couple and captioned, “- welcome to my life; gorgeous,” followed by a series of emojis and a hashtag, ‘Nothing can stop us, we are all the way up’.
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