Prioritizing National Interest for Sustainable Progress

Author: M Fazal Elahi

Pakistan finds itself at a pivotal moment in its history, where achieving sustainable progress and development hinges crucially on the collective determination of all stakeholders to prioritize the national interest above personal agendas. This transformative journey demands that political parties, essential state institutions, and societal leaders transcend self-interest, set aside prejudices, and forsake personal gains for the greater good of the nation. Pakistan can effectively address its burgeoning socio-economic challenges and pave the way for a prosperous future only through a unified commitment to the national interest.

Pakistan is a country blessed with immense potential but beset by numerous challenges that seriously hinder its progress. Today, Pakistan faces critical issues such as economic disparities, political instability, security threats, social inequalities, and governance inefficiencies. These sensitive issues are compounded by a relentless struggle for power and resources among competing factions, often at the expense of broader national objectives-social, economic, and political. Unfortunately, this fragmented approach not only severely undermines development efforts but also contribute to instability and discontent among the populace.

It is widely acknowledged that political parties play a pivotal role in shaping the democratic landscape and governance framework of a country. In Pakistan, like elsewhere in the democratic world, political parties have a crucial influence on the country’s governance. However, in this region, political parties often prioritize short-term electoral gains and partisan interests, which can obscure the long-term national agenda. Achieving sustainable progress requires political parties to transcend narrow affiliations and embrace a statesmanlike approach that emphasizes policy coherence, institutional strengthening, and socio-economic development. This necessitates fostering a culture of consensus-building, cultivating mutual understanding, and making compromises for the collective benefit of the nation.

Pakistan finds itself at a critical juncture where the pursuit of national interest must unequivocally supersede narrow agendas.

Cornel West, an American philosopher, scholar of African American studies, social activist, political activist, and political critic aptly stated, “There is no fundamental social change by being simply of individual and interpersonal actions. You have to have organizations and institutions that make a fundamental difference.” It is widely acknowledged that state institutions play a crucial role in shaping the fate of a nation. They form the backbone of a country’s government, responsible for effectively implementing policies and delivering services to its citizens. To achieve sustainable development, it is essential to empower these state institutions and equip them with the necessary tools to excel in their respective roles. One critical emphasis should be on ensuring that state institutions remain apolitical in their operations.

In Pakistan as well, there is an urgent need to empower state institutions adequately for sustainable development. Vital state institutions like the judiciary, civil services, and regulatory bodies are undoubtedly the foundational pillars of governance and accountability in Pakistan. Unfortunately, however, their effectiveness has been compromised by politicization, corruption, and undue influence. To sufficiently empower these crucial state institutions and enhance their ability to deliver services to the public effectively, Pakistan must safeguard their autonomy, increase transparency, and promote meritocracy. By protecting them from external pressures and enabling them to operate impartially, Pakistan can strengthen its governance framework and ensure equitable service delivery and justice for all citizens.

Improving living standards and fostering national resilience require sustained economic stability and growth, which are absolutely essential and indispensable. It is an undeniable truth that Pakistan has substantial economic potential, yet this potential is hindered by immensely significant issues such as fiscal mismanagement, inadequate infrastructure, and an inconsistent investment climate. Achieving sustainable economic progress demands that Pakistan realize it can be achieved only through prudent fiscal policies, infrastructure development, investment in human capital, and fostering a favorable business environment. By prioritizing economic reforms and promoting inclusive growth, Pakistan can unlock its latent economic potential and create enhanced opportunities for all segments of society.

Social cohesion, which involves the sense of community belonging and relationships among its members, is crucial for achieving national consensus and collective well-being in any country. Pakistan, with its diverse social, ethnic, and gender backgrounds, is a pluralistic society rich in cultural heritage. However, divisions based on ethnicity, religion, and socio-economic status pose significant challenges to national unity and harmony. To address these challenges, promoting inclusivity, tolerance, and respect for diversity is imperative. These elements are essential for building a cohesive society where every citizen feels valued and empowered.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on September 20, 2015, recognized that peace and security are essential prerequisites for achieving sustainable development. It also acknowledged that sustainable development itself contributes to building peaceful societies. Thus, ensuring peace and security is fundamental for sustainable development.

Pakistan continues to grapple with significant internal security challenges, including terrorism, extremism, and regional geopolitical dynamics. Addressing these requires a comprehensive strategy that tackles both internal and external threats, while also upholding human rights and the rule of law. Effective national security demands robust law enforcement, intelligence coordination, and diplomatic engagement in a volatile regional environment. Any compromise, whether intentional or unintentional, on these critical components would undermine the government’s efforts to maintain stability and protect national interests.

The essential requirement for putting Pakistan on the path to sustainable progress and development is a paradigm shift from self-interest to national interest across all sectors of society. This transformation unequivocally demands political maturity, institutional resilience, and societal cohesion to overcome entrenched challenges and seize emerging opportunities. Key stakeholders must demonstrate leadership, foresight, and an unwavering commitment to consensus-building and compromise for the collective benefit of the Pakistani nation, as previously mentioned.

Undoubtedly, Pakistan finds itself at a critical juncture where the pursuit of national interest must unequivocally supersede narrow agendas and partisan rivalries. It is widely acknowledged that achieving sustainable progress and development necessitates a unified effort from all stakeholders-political parties, state institutions, civil society, and the private sector-to prioritize unity, equity, and inclusive economic growth that benefits all segments of society.

By cultivating a culture of accountability, transparency, and dialogue, Pakistan can unleash its full potential and chart a path toward a prosperous future for all its citizens. It is imperative to recognize that Pakistan can fulfill its promise as a resilient, inclusive, and prosperous nation in the global community only through collective action and steadfast commitment to the national interest.

The writer is a columnist and analyst based in Islamabad.

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