‘Reimagining Justice: Voices Against Torture’: JPP and Olomopolo Lead Efforts Against Torture on International Awareness Day


In observance of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, JPP and Olomopolo used art to draw attention to the enduring impact of torture, emphasizing that its devastating effects extend far beyond the immediate suffering of the victim, inflicting profound and lasting trauma. The event served as both a reminder and a call to action for authority figures to implement necessary changes.

Art as Advocacy: “Reimagining Justice: Voices Against Torture”

Amidst a backdrop of international concern and local advocacy, on June 29th, 2024, in observance of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, Justice Project Pakistan (JPP) and Olomopolo held a compelling event titled “Reimagining Justice: Voices Against Torture” at the Annemarie Schimmel Haus in Lahore. This event aimed to raise awareness about the illegality and immorality of torture in Pakistan, spotlighting the harrowing stories of torture survivors and their families. The showcase utilized various art forms—digital art, film, music, and more—to underline the impact of torture that continues to plague the nation. Despite Pakistan ratifying the UN Convention Against Torture and enacting the Torture and Custodial Death (Prevention and Punishment) Act in 2022, the implementation of these laws remains insufficient. Torture leaves profound scars not only on the victims but also on society as a whole. The event served as a stark reminder of the fundamental right to be free from extreme pain and suffering, whether physical or mental, inflicted intentionally by public officials to punish, intimidate, or extract information.

Artistic Expressions and Impact

The event began with a welcome address and introductions of the participating artists who used their craft to highlight the impact of torture. Filmmakers and artists were encouraged to explore various aspects of these cases, such as the mental and physical impacts on the victims, the stigma and social marginalization they face, and the broader implications for the justice system and human rights in Pakistan Saima Salahuddin presented her piece titled “Disconnect.” This work raises poignant questions about whether torture victims can ever return to their former selves after enduring such painful ordeals and who bears the responsibility for their healing. Shakeeb Asrar exhibited “Unveiling The Tormenters,” an installation featuring AI-generated images of torturers who remain hidden in the shadows of their victims’ stories. This piece underscores how the focus on victims often leaves the perpetrators unexposed and unaccountable. Iza Rizwan showcased “Unheard Knocks,” a series of illustrations exploring both real and abstract imagery of custodial torture and the lifelong mental torment it causes. The piece symbolizes the persistent, haunting echoes of torture that never truly fade away. Kamil Chima presented a video installation titled “All The King’s Men,” which delves into the systemic nature of torture. This work follows a chain of incentives and mechanisms that perpetuate torture, highlighting the role of systems rather than just individuals. Adam Butt screened his film “Naqsh-e-Faryadi,” which depicts the physical and psychological impacts of torture on victims. The film poses critical questions about the moral and legal dilemmas surrounding the use of torture, regardless of the victim’s guilt or innocence. Following the presentations, attendees were treated to a musical performance by Nimra Gilani and Ali Hamdani.

Advocacy and Future Directions

The evening concluded with closing remarks and the announcement of the Best Artist award. As part of their ongoing campaign, JPP and Olomopolo advocated for systemic reform and the implementation of existing laws to ensure accountability for perpetrators. They also emphasized the need to promote justice and healing by providing compensation to victims and restoring public trust in the criminal justice system. JPP provided case files of real-life torture scenarios, with identities protected to ensure the safety of those involved.

Notes From The Event: Impact of Torture – Beyond Immediate Suffering

JPP and Olomopolo highlighted that torture extends its devastating impact far beyond the immediate suffering of its victims. Survivors often endure chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and PTSD, impairing their daily lives. They voiced how suffering creates a ripple effect, disrupting families, friendships, and communities. Loved ones may experience vicarious trauma, feelings of helplessness, and the strain of providing care. Socially, the survivor’s altered behavior can lead to isolation and stigmatization, further impeding their reintegration into society. Thus, the impact of torture reverberates through the entire support network, causing widespread and enduring harm. And hence, we must raise our voices against the cruelty of torture in Pakistan.

The “Reimagining Justice: Voices Against Torture” event was a powerful reminder of the urgent need to address the issue of torture in Pakistan. Through the evocative works of dedicated artists and the ongoing efforts of organizations like JPP and Olomopolo, there is hope for a future where the rights and dignity of all individuals are respected and protected.

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