Mahira Khan shares news of her uncle’s death

Author: News Desk

In a heartbreaking news on Wednesday, actor Mahira Khan shared a heartfelt message on Instagram, revealing the loss of her beloved maternal uncle, Akber Khan.

She posted a series of old photographs and expressed her deep sorrow and fond memories with him.

In her touching note, Mahira wrote, She wrote, “My one and my only mamu Mamu.. It’s hard to imagine that my handsome larger than life Mamu is no more.. I’ve heard all Mamus are special.. but it feels like mine was the most special.”

“He gave us the most beautiful childhood, he gave his mother unconditional love and respect, he was a father to my khala and my mother’s soul mate. He never complained.

He gave us laughter and music. He gave me Kishpa and Aly bhai. But most of all he gave us my angel Mani his ‘Jannoo’ as he called her. It’s been two weeks since you left us.. still this is tough to write, tougher than I imagined,” she added. “We all miss you Mamu.. always will.. I’m sure you’re in the arms of nana and Nani, with your baby umer cuddled beside you. Ameen. Please do make a prayer for my mamu- Akber Khan – when you read this.”

The actress’s post received an outpouring of sympathy and condolences from fans and colleagues.

On the professional front, Mahira is set to star in the upcoming Netflix series “Jo Bachay Hain Sang Samait Lo,” alongside Fawad Khan and Sanam Saeed. The show is based on Farhat Ishtiaq’s bestselling Urdu novel.

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