Unholy Terror Nexus in Crosshairs

Author: Faisal Ahmad

Nerve breaking war against terrorism is testing the endurance limits of Pakistan. At the state level, Pakistan has sent clear messages to the interim Taliban government on multiple occasions underscoring genuine concerns about the active presence of banned organizations in safe havens on Afghan soil.

The swift elimination of terrorists, involved in the Lakki Marwat IED blast, in an intelligence-based operation reflected the depth of resolve against terrorism. Intelligence quarters are fully alive to the security challenge as evident from the accuracy and promptness of retaliatory counter-terrorism operations. Reports regarding the killing of the notorious commander of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Abdul Manan aka Hakeemullah, in Kunar province on the third day of Eid have also sent a spine-chilling warning to the terrorist networks operating from Afghanistan.

The targeted killing of Manan aka Hakeemullah has served a substantial blow to the terrorist group, which seems bleeding amid internal strife among various splinter groups. Eliminated commander Hakeemullah was closely associated with the TTP Malakand Shura and had also served as an aide to Wali, in masterminding terrorist attacks in the Bajaur area. He was deeply involved in targeted assassinations, landmine explosions, attacks on security checkpoints, and extortion.

The significance of this killing has increased manifolds as it followed closely on the heels of the death of another TTP commander, Talha Swati, who was a key member of the Fazlullah group from Swat. In April, notorious Swati was targeted by unknown assailants under mysterious circumstances in broad daylight after Friday prayers in the same province. Swati had been intelligence chief in the Bari Kot area and was allegedly involved in selling the information to rival militant factions like Jammatul Ahrar (JUA), South District Taliban and the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP).

It is firmly believed that the existence of anti-Pakistan terrorist groups on Afghan soil is not possible without the support of the de-facto Taliban regime.

As the motives behind Swati’s killing remain shrouded, all conflicting reports strongly point towards his possible elimination by any one of the rival splinter groups or affected victim of the internal quarrel within the TTP itself.

It is worth noting that affiliates of the Swati group pledged revenge which indicates worsening turf war between hardcore terrorist groups operating with impunity in Afghanistan. Counter-terrorism experts having a closer watch on regional security affairs believe that the superior intelligence craft of Pakistani agencies is playing a key role in denting the terrorist networks operating with the support of hostile foreign players. Recurring fatalities of high-value wanted terrorist commanders underline the impulsive and disorderly nature of militant outfits, especially the undeniable waning of the TTP amidst ongoing turf war among the power-hungry splinter groups.

Surging terrorism in KP and Baluchistan is precisely aimed at destabilizing Pakistan. Potential economic development of backward areas in Baluchistan with the successful completion of CPEC would practically snatch the manoeuvring space from hostile quarters. Indian agencies are deeply involved in patronizing the separatist anarchists to sabotage the CPEC.

As pointed out in a previous article, the brewing nexus between ethnically motivated anarchists and religious Jihadist groups in Baluchistan is simple evidence of a common handler. CTD Baluchistan has recently shared important information extracted during initial investigations from the arrested TTP commander. Despite the ideological gulf, the TTP faction was a solidifying alliance with a non-religious separatist terrorist faction of the banned Baluch Liberation Army.

More startling revelations are expected from detailed investigations. No rocket science is involved in deciphering the involvement of Indian agencies in orchestrating the terrorism in Baluchistan. Irrespective of ideological differences, close cooperation among terrorist groups in Baluchistan is more meaningfully poised against the growing strategic partnership between Pakistan and China.

The nature of the targets selected by the terrorists inside Baluchistan is undeniable proof of extra-territorial intended objectives. Durable restoration of peace is not possible until India quits the strategy of playing the role of regional spoiler. Unfortunately, the interim Taliban government is not tackling the issue of terror proxies with requisite wisdom and caution. Kabul has so far badly failed in correctly reading Pakistan’s zero-tolerance policy towards all brands of terrorism. It is firmly believed that the existence of anti-Pakistan terrorist groups on Afghan soil is not possible without the support of the de-facto Taliban regime.

A number of confessional statements of arrested terrorist commanders tell us the same story which was disclosed a few years back by the Indian Naval officer Khal Bhoshan Jhadev. Indian state players’ hand behind anti-Pakistan terror proxies is beyond any doubt. These groups are mostly stationed in Afghanistan and enjoy full impunity as well as facilitation from the ruling Taliban regime. While the diplomatic channels are open to remove the security irritants with neighbouring countries, no one should take it as the only option available with Islamabad. There are easily understandable messages coded in the recurring targeted killings of anti-Pakistan terrorist commanders of banned TTP.

Compelled by the unavoidable security compulsions, Pakistan is capable of dislodging the unholy nexus of terrorists beyond its borders.

The writer is a graduate of QAU, PhD scholar and a freelance writer and can be reached at fa7263125@gmail.com

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