Senator Sarmad Ali Syed Urges Withdrawal of 10% GST on Newsprint Amid Fake News Crisis


In a passionate address to the Senate House on Friday, Senator Sarmad Ali Syed called for the immediate withdrawal of the proposed 10% GST on newsprint, highlighting the crucial role newspapers play in combating misinformation. Amid a rising tide of fake news and disinformation spreading on social media, Syed emphasized that newspapers are essential for protecting the rights of the people.

“In today’s age of fake news, where even parents are unwittingly spreading lies on social media, the survival of newspapers is more critical than ever,” Syed stated. “Imposing a 10% GST on newsprint would be a grave mistake. Newspapers are fighting for their survival and, in turn, for the preservation of truth and democracy.”

The senator’s comments come during a heated debate over the recent budget proposal, which includes the controversial tax. Syed underscored the dire economic conditions facing the country, noting that resources are limited while problems seem endless. He urged his fellow lawmakers to recognize the unique challenges posed by the current media landscape.

“In these troubled times, it is crucial that we support institutions that uphold factual reporting and informed public discourse,” Syed argued. “The Senate must send a unified message to the National Assembly to reconsider this tax.”

The proposal has sparked significant concern among media organizations, which argue that the additional financial burden could jeopardize their operations. As the debate continues, all eyes will be on the National Assembly to see if they heed Syed’s call and amend the budget accordingly.

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