Pakistan Army, Rescue 1122 extinguish forest fires in Murree

Author: APP

In a concerted effort to combat the raging infernos engulfing the lush forests of Murree, Pakistan Army and Rescue 1122 joint forces, deploying over ten teams to extinguish the blaze at various locations.

“We are pleased to announce that the combined efforts of armed forces and emergency responders have brought the fire under control in eighty percent of the affected area, “a rescue spokesperson told PTV.

With the remaining twenty percent of the area still under scrutiny, the firefighting teams remain vigilant, ensuring that every ember is extinguished and every corner of the forest is secured, he maintained.

He said the relentless efforts not only subdued the flames but also shielded the neighboring communities from the encroaching threat.

The spokesperson said the meticulous planning and unwavering dedication, the teams ensured the complete protection of the population adjacent to the forest zones.

In response to a query, he mentioned that authorities closely monitoring the situation have reported significant progress in containing the wildfires.

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