The Child Protection Court Abbottabad on Tuesday while giving its verdict in the horrific triple murder case in village Sumbal, in the jurisdictions of Donga Gali police station, awarded three times death sentence to the accused in two cases, 12 years imprisonment and Rs650,000 fine. According to details, three years ago, the accused, Moeen son of Asghar, brutally killed two minor children and their grandmother. After initial investigation, the Police arrested Moeen in connection with murders and the hearing of the case was started in in the Child Protection Court Abbottabad. Yesterday, after concluding hearing of the arguments, the court delivered its judgment. The accused, Moeen, a resident of Sumbal, was sentenced to three counts of death under Section 302. Additionally, he was ordered to pay 500,000 rupees in compensation. Under Section 337, Moeen received a two-year prison sentence along with a 50,000-rupee fine. Furthermore, under Section 324, he was sentenced to ten years in prison and fined 100,000 rupees. Owais Abbasi Advocate represented the plaintiff, while Bushra Zaib led the prosecution. Following the announcement of the verdict, the plaintiff and Ejaz Abbasi while talking to the media, expressed their satisfaction with the court’s verdict.
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