The Islamabad High Court (IHC) was told on Tuesday that 38 cases had been registered against PTI stalwart and former foreign minister (FM) Shah Mehmood Qureshi at different police stations of Punjab. During the hearing of the petition filed by Qureshi, seeking details of the cases registered against him, a report was submitted to the high court in which it was informed that Qureshi had been nominated in 17 cases registered at different police stations of Islamabad. IHC Chief Justice (CJ) Justice Aamer Farooq asked whether there were as many police stations in the Federal Capital. The report informed that no case had been registered against the ex-FM anywhere in Sindh, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). “Besides that, not a single case has been registered against Qureshi either by the NAB or the FIA,” the report read. Taimoor Malik, counsel for Qureshi, told the court that on May 9 his client was in Karachi. Questioning the genuineness of these cases, the CJ remarked two to three cases made sense. “But 38 cases are beyond comprehension,” he said. Seeking a report from the assistant attorney general, the court adjourned the case’s hearing until next week.
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