44 booked over Sargodha mob attack

Author: Agencies

Sargodha Police have identified and booked 44 people for their alleged involvement in mob violence against a Christian man accused of desecration of the Holy Quran the previous day in the city’s Mujahid Colony, it emerged on Sunday.

The police on Saturday rescued the man as well as two Christian families from the enraged mob that wanted to lynch him and barge into the homes of some other members of the minority community.

The incident had taken place after some residents of the colony fou…nd burned pages near an electric pole and the houses of the Christian family.

The first information report (FIR) of the incident, filed hours after the incident, invokes Section 324 (attempt to murder), 186 (obstructing public officials in discharging their duty), 353 (assaulting a public official who is discharging their duty), 436 (mischief by fire or explosive material with intent to destroy house), 440 (mischief by fire or explosive material with intent to cause death or hurt) 149 (Every member of unlawful assembly guilty of offence committed in prosecution of common object) of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC).

The suspects have also been booked under Section 7 (punishment for acts of terrorism) and 11WW (lynching) of the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) 1997. According to the FIR filed by Station House Officer (SHO) Shahid Iqbal, agitated locals had gathered in front of the victim’s house. Armed with sticks, stones and other weapons, they allegedly attempted to force their way into the house.

After calling for backup, police, the Sargodha Peace Committee and other residents tried to calm the mob – now numbering between 300 and 400 people – and resolve the situation through dialogue, but to no avail, the FIR states.

The mob also set a nearby shoe factory ablaze and tried to enter the victim’s house from adjoining roofs, the FIR alleges. The mob also reportedly destroyed electricity meters and outdoor AC units outside Maseeh’s home, which they subsequently set ablaze.

SHO Iqbal and other police personnel at the scene extricated the victim from the burning house. However, upon bringing him outside, they were surrounded by the mob, who hurled stones and beat them with sticks, severely injuring the Christian man.

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