Balochistan: Defying the Enemies

Author: Javed Iqbal

Balochistan always remains the top priority of every government and sincere efforts have been made at every occasion to address genuine concerns of Baloch people.

Details of efforts are in knowledge of all and sundry. It would not be wrong to say that the major breakthrough towards peace and stability of Balochistan was achieved in the form of the surrender of Gulzar Imam Shamby (GIS). His surrender and subsequently joining hands for reconciliation process on one side proves the professional capability of premier Intelligence Agency while on the other side, it also offers a path to all the disgruntled elements misled by the anti-state forces to shun their hostile activities and join hands for peace and prosperity of their province.

The progress and prosperity of Balochistan is linked with the development of its natural resources and CPEC. Second phase of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor has kicked off. CPEC is a journey of economic empowerment and the need of the hour. Its development will help in strengthening economic cooperation with regional countries.

The progress and prosperity of Balochistan is linked with the development of its natural resources.

Apparently, CPEC is a trade project between China and Pakistan but in a real sense, it will prove to be a game changer not only for Central Asian Countries but also for 60 countries of the world. Owing to the prospects for its progress, Balochistan for many decades has been on the hit list of enemies. Anti-state elements have been targeting roads, dams, and communicational facilities to obstruct Balochistan’s prosperity.

However, the surrender of Gulzar Imam Shamby, Sarfaraz Bungalzai along with other militants has dealt a severe blow to the enemies of Pakistan. This development has unequivocally signaled to all anti-Pakistan forces that the Baloch people will no longer be swayed by their toxic narratives and propaganda. Moreover, it has also ignited a renewed sense of hope and resilience among the youth of Balochistan who have always been the primary target of anti-Pakistan forces. For decades, the adversaries of Pakistan have made concerted efforts to pollute the Baloch young minds by sowing seeds of separation.

Now that the Baloch youth has fully recognized the true adversaries of their peace and prosperity, the major responsibility lies on their shoulders. They need to come forward to play their part in achieving the stability of Balochistan. This can be done by standing united and contributing to the development of Balochistan, particularly by not falling prey to the poisonous anti-state narrative. Without a doubt, the Baloch youth has the power to transform its remarkable land into a beacon of stability and progress. Its collective effort will not only thwart the designs of adversaries but will also pave the way for a brighter future for all inhabitants of Balochistan and Pakistan in general.

The writer is a freelance columnist.

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