Unmasking India’s Game

Author: Javed Iqbal

No other country on the planet has faced a severe brunt of terrorism in terms of human lives and loss as Pakistan. The last few months have witnessed an uptick in terrorist activities. Thanks to our arch rival India who has left no stone unturned to create anarchy in Pakistan by patronising anti state elements. The government of Pakistan has repeatedly brought India’s evil acts into the knowledge of the international community by sharing evidence of Indian motivated terrorism in Pakistan. The epicentre of Indian conspiracy is the border areas of Afghanistan & Iran from where Baloch youth’s mind is being poisoned by toxic material to fulfil hostile intentions of spreading terrorism in Pakistan.

India’s motives for fanning terrorism in Pakistan, particularly in Balochistan, are clear. Firstly, it aims to sabotage the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which primarily passes through Balochistan and is currently in its second phase. New Delhi’s game plan is to create obstacles in the way of its completion at any cost because India is cognizant of the fact that a fully functional CPEC would prove to be a game changer not only for Pakistan’s economy but also for its international image. Secondly, India seeks to replicate the 1971 scenario by disintegrating Balochistan from Pakistan, a region rich in natural resources. This is the basic reason behind India funding the terrorists in Balochistan.

The ten years’ agreement of Chabahar port will provide a free hand to New Delhi to play its dirty game of using its proxies against Pakistan.

In December 2023, Sarfraz Ahmed Bungulzai, a commander of the Baloch National Army who surrendered to Pakistani authorities, revealed that India has been secretly supporting terrorist activities and financing separatist forces in Balochistan. At a press conference, Bungulzai stated he initially believed he was fighting for Baloch rights but later realised India’s involvement.

Evidence of India’s links to terrorist activities in Pakistan is also supported by Indian media reports. For instance, The Hindu published an article in July 2019 stating that a BLA commander stayed in Delhi for six months in 2017 for kidney treatment and noted that Baloch leaders maintained close ties with Indian political figures.

Keeping in view its track record, India’s recent Chabahar deal is being seen as a trojan horse by the experts contrary to the Indian claim of ramping up its trade. Though the US has cautioned India about potential sanctions, Washington seems to be creating a smoke screen as it is using India as a pawn to remain relevant in the region and contain China.

The ten years’ agreement of Chabahar port will provide a free hand to New Delhi to play its dirty game of using its proxies against Pakistan. The emerging situation in the area has posed daunting challenges not only for Pakistan but the entire region will have to bear the spillover effects of India’s nefarious designs against Pakistan. After the US-withdrawal from Afghanistan, the region is still in a volatile state and such a kind of dubious deal will not serve any favour to the masses contrary to Indian claims of economic transformation for CARs.

The writer is a freelance columnist.

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