Two-time Academy Award-winning filmmaker, Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, proudly announces the launch of its latest iteration of Patakha Pictures’ filmmaking mentorship and funding program, “Her Earth Advocates.” This seven-month programme, focused on the theme of climate change, is open to women of all ages from across Pakistan and is accepting applications until March 3. Launched to empower and support a new generation of Pakistani storytellers, Patakha Pictures’ programs provide mentorship and funding for filmmakers to create short documentaries that illuminate important issues and resonate with global audiences. With three successful cycles completed and two currently underway, “Her Earth Advocates” marks the sixth program of its kind. Interested applicants must apply in pairs and submit a film idea on climate change within the application form that is available for download on their website. Patakha Pictures will provide 10 selected fellows with funding to direct and produce their short films, along with mentorship from an international filmmaking expert. These sessions will cover storytelling, narrative development, character building, direction, sound design, editing and more. The programme culminates in a celebratory closing event in Islamabad, officially launching the completed films.
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