Bidding Farewell to the Illegal Immigrants

Author: Reema Shaukat

The government of Pakistan has been focussing on the revival of economic stability and security situation of the country with concerted efforts in hand to ensure Pakistan achieves it in an early timeframe. Repatriation of illegal immigrants of any nationality has been one of the cornerstones of this pursuit. Since Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Pakistan has been hosting Afghan refugees as the biggest immigrant community who were forced to leave their abode. Out of those, 1.7M were undocumented. Despite congenial environment that they received in Pakistan, some Afghan nationals were involved in dilapidated security situation of the country. A huge hue and cry is being made on their repatriation not only internally but also externally. It is being portrayed that Pakistani government is targeting all Afghans and only Afghans. There are two aspects of this decision that need to be underscored; one that the policy is regarding all illegal immigrants and other that it is only for the illegal foreigners residing in the country.

Alive to the sensitivity of the issue, the GoP has adopted very cautious approach. It is being endeavoured that all illegal immigrants are repatriated to their respective country in a dignified manner. To start with, a substantive grace period of over a month was afforded to the illegal immigrants to leave the country voluntarily. Frequent announcements were made asking them to return before stipulated date after which they would be deported. A large number of such immigrants therefore left on their own. Those who did not, were then identified and arrangements were made to send them across to their respective countries. For all those returning, the GoP has laid down elaborate plan, aimed at preserving their self-respect and ensuring their comfort with safety and security.

There are two aspects of this decision that need to be underscored; one that the policy is regarding all illegal immigrants and other that it is only for the illegal foreigners residing in the country.

Instead of keeping these immigrants in prisons, they are housed in centres set up in provinces, AJK, GB and Islamabad. The GoP has set up 49 transit centres to temporarily house illegal migrants. Provincial governments have been directed to bear the costs for these centres. Torkham, Kharlachi, Ghulam Khan and Angoor Ada Check Points are being used for KPK, Islamabad, GB and Punjab; whereas Chaman, Barab Chah, Noor Wahab, Badini, Qila Saifullah, Qameruddin, Karez and Chagai crossings have been allocated for Sindh and Balochistan provinces. Adequate security measures have been instituted whereby security personnel escort the migrants in buses to border crossings. A control room has been set up at the Home Department of each province to monitor the process which is supervised by Grade 17 and above officers from various departments of Police, District Administration, Intelligence agencies, Immigration, NADRA and respective PDMA.

Special care is being exercised with respect to women, children and elderly who are dealt with due dignity and are also provided with regular meals as well as medical facilities. Special instructions have been issued to the LEAs for avoiding manhandling. There is a provision that even if it happens the same can be reported to the Interior ministry via an exclusive helpline. For instance, KPK government has issued “1700” as an emergency number to deal with any untoward situation. The government of Pakistan has also been in contact with friendly countries who have offered to receive such individuals.

So far more than 140 thousand illegal foreigners residing in Pakistan have returned to their respective countries. There is a drive to locate them across the country and despatch to the respective destination as smoothly and swiftly as possible. Needless to mention, this whole process is sensitive; as it bears economic cost, human resource toil, consistent monitoring, apt supervision and nimble handling on internal as well as external front. The whole course is being carried out adroitly and so far no untoward incident has happened. Governments take decisions for the betterment of their people and execute them to achieve desired results. This happens in every country and others should respect for the sake of sovereignty that each country enjoys. It is surprising that despite all out efforts that Pakistani government has been making for the dignified repatriation of illegal immigrants there are voices of concern from different corners. Pakistan has assured that mutual relations, trade, support and people to people contact between the two countries will not be affected by this decision, it will rather be even furthered. This notwithstanding, one thing is very obvious that government of Pakistan is striving to bring peace and prosperity to its people at any cost. This is the mandate of the government and also demanded by our sovereignty. We should cheerfully bid farewell to those who had wished to reside in Pakistan illegally. We need to prove that Pakistan is serious in its efforts to maintain its respectable status amongst the comity of nations.

The writer works at the Institute of Regional Studies, Islamabad, and can be reached at

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