While addressing a presser at his office on Tuesday, the CM said that Section 144 has been imposed in Lahore Division, Gujranwala and Hafizabad. There is a public holiday on November 9 and Friday has also been decided as a holiday. Meanwhile, Saturday and Sunday are weekly holidays; he added and stated that educational institutions, government and private offices, cinemas, parks and restaurants would remain closed during environmental and health emergencies while markets would remain shut on Saturday.
The CM Naqvi added that marriage halls, bakeries, pharmacies, public transport and construction activities would not be halted. Similarly, the government was not going to shut factories. He maintained that Lahore badly needs environmental rest; prevention from smog is imperative as it is not a good phenomenon. The children and elderly people are facing asthma and eye diseases; he noted and added that decisions have been taken in the light of experts’ recommendations during a meeting of the cabinet committee for environment/smog.
The smog-related meeting has decided on a public holiday on November 10. Markets would remain closed on Saturday while traders would be consulted for deciding about shutting down markets on Friday, he added. The purpose of these decisions was to decrease the smog level; CM said and appealed to the children and elderly citizens to wear facemasks. The holiday decision was temporary and would apply to this week only; he explained and maintained that indispensable decisions have been taken in the wake of an environmental emergency.
The chief minister said that India burns 4 times more crop residue than Pakistan, which increases smog. The burning of crop residue across the border was directly affecting us. In the Indian city of Delhi, holidays and other decisions were also taken, so the smog situation improved, he noted.
Provincial Ministers Amir Mir, Bilal Afzal, Dr. Javed Akram, Mansoor Qadir, IGP, ACS (Home), CCPO, and commissioner Lahore were also present.
Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi inspected the CBD Punjab Bab District and Walton Road upgradation project on Tuesday.
He inspected the entire length of Walton Road and gave instructions for early disposal of stagnant sewerage water as it poses difficulties for road users. He directed the MD WASA and CBD officials to utilize the best resources for water drainage. He also advised effective traffic management measures during the construction activities.
The CM emphasized the importance of the Walton Road upgradation project, stating that it will transform Walton Road into a signal-free corridor, resolving the longstanding issues of traffic and drainage.
The CBD Bab District and Walton Road upgradation project will incur a cost of 9.5 billion rupees, he added. CEO CBD Imran Amin briefed about the project, highlighting that it involves diversion works, transportation of installations and work on the ADA drain. The contract for the project has been awarded to NLC.
CBD Punjab was also working on the infrastructure of CBD Bab District. Sewerage, excavation work and ADA drain cleaning were in progress.
The briefing mentioned that CBD Punjab will complete the iconic structure of Bab-e-Pakistan besides creating green spaces and playgrounds for sports activities. Overhead bridges and underground crossings will be developed as well. There will be a separate sewerage line that will go up to Hudiara Drain. Walton Road will also have protection against U-turns, it further said.
Provincial ministers Amir Mir, Azfar Ali Nasir, commissioner Lahore, CCPO, DC and CBD officials were also present.
Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi visited the Khalid Butt Chowk underpass project at Cavalry Ground early in the morning along with provincial ministers Amir Mir, Azfar Ali Nasir, and Ibrahim Hasan Murad. Over 90% of the work has been completed. CM Mohsin Naqvi conducted a detailed review of the construction work including the construction activities of the underpass’s inner walls. Expressing satisfaction with the progress, CM Naqvi directed to expedite the pace of work, aiming to complete the underpass by the middle of this month. He instructed the DG PHA to undertake tree planting and landscaping on the green belts around the project. The CM announced that the Khalid Butt Chowk underpass would be opened to traffic soon.
Upon completion, the project is expected to provide convenience to daily traffic flow for over 180,000 vehicles.
Commissioner / DG LDA, chief engineer and contractor briefed on the progress of the project, stating that the work on the inner walls would be completed in the next few days.
Construction work on the inner road of the underpass continues day and night, with rapid progress on the deck-slap and surrounding roads. Deputy Commissioner, DIG (Operations), CTO and others were also present.
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