Nearly 1 in 10 Brits confess to drinking five cups of coffee a day

Author: News Desk

Whether it be your usual morning fix or a much-needed pick-me-up in the afternoon, a lot of us rely on our cups of coffee throughout the working day.

And it’s clear to say we Brits would be lost without our intakes of caffeine, as nearly 1 in 10 have admitted to drinking five cups of delicious coffee per day.

In a new survey commissioned by Betway, it was revealed that 2% of Brits confessed to drinking more than 5 cups of coffee per day, with 1 in 10 of that 2% admitting to having over 10 cups – and the highest recorded being 16. Meanwhile, almost 1 in 4 Brits reveal they can’t go without 2 cups per day, while over 1 in 5 will have a total of 3 cups (21%).

When looking at the UK city that loves their coffee the most, Brighton holds the highest daily coffee consumption, drinking an average of 3.02 cups, with Sheffield placing second with an average of 2.98 and Liverpool landing third with 2.95. Belfast was the city less fussed when it comes to coffee intake, placing last with an average of 2.29 cups drank per day.

It doesn’t take a genius to work out that the price of a cup of coffee has rocketed in the last year, but that doesn’t stop us from treating ourselves. Edinburgh came out on top as the city that spends the most on a cup of coffee – with the mean average being £3.05, while Plymouth residents spend the least in the likes of Starbucks and Costa (£2.39 on average). The data also reveals that £3-£4 is the most Brits are willing to spend on their coffee, with 40% of those asked choosing that price bracket. 16-24-year-olds are willing to spend the most on average (£3.32), but those over 55 refuse to splurge – spending the lowest on average at £2.46.

In terms of the winning coffee choice in the UK, the humble latte was crowned the nation’s favourite, with 1 in 5 Brits opting for a milky coffee over a cappuccino and a flat white (11%). Another popular choice was an Americano which landed in fourth place, followed by a black coffee (6%). Rounding off the top 10 was an Irish coffee (2%), while a Matcha coffee placed last.

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