The Role of Character in Islam – II

Author: Dr Zia Ul Haque Shamsi

In my last week’s Column, The Role of Character in Islam (Part-I), I argued that a child born in a Muslim family begins his/her journey as FAQIR, i.e. Faith in Allah, Quran, Islam, and all Rasul. However, he/she must aim to become the RICHEST (an acronym), which I am going to explain in this short article. I will endeavor the highlight the purpose of the creation of the universe, and human beings, the core values of Islam, and the role of character in Islam. My focus will be on Muslims becoming Momins by embracing the core values of Islam, as Ordained by Allah, and demonstrated by the Prophets Muhammad (PBUH).

I once again reiterate that in the process, I will maintain originality and objectivity, to the best of my abilities, and will not reflect or reject any particular school of thought.

First the purpose of the creation of this universe. Because Allah did not create the universe and its creatures without a purpose. We did not create heaven and earth and everything between them for no purpose. That is the opinion of those who disbelieve… (Quran 38:27). In fact, Allah is going to Test All His Creatures, as [He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed – and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving – (Quran 67:2), and Allah will test the humans with the things that are dearest to them: wealth, health and children, and Allah has insisted that all His Creations follow Him and All His Messengers.

We need to understand that Islam remained the central Deen for all humans and the same message was sent to all generations through all the Messengers. Allah has ordained for you the same Deen as HE enjoined upon Noah, and what WE have revealed to you, and what WE enjoined upon Ibrahim, and Mosa, and Easa: “Establish the Deen, and be not divided therein.” This is difficult and a big task for the Mushrikeen, what you call them. Allah chooses to Himself whom HE wills, and HE gives Hidayah to Himself whoever turns (Quran 42:13).

It is extremely important for Muslims to understand that they will not get away with their wrongdoings only because they prayed and fasted.

Likewise, Allah Says, “We have Emaan on Allah and on what was revealed to us and on what was revealed to Ibrahim and Ismael and Ishaaq and Yaquoob and their Al-As’baati and on what was given to Mosa and Easaa and on what was given to the Nabiyunna from their Rabb. We do not need to be between any of them. For we are Muslimuun to Allah” (Quran 2:136).

And, once again, Allah insisted that The Messenger has Emaan on what was revealed to him from his Rabb, and Mominoon. All of them have Emaan on Allah and Allah’s Malaik, and Allah’s Kitaab and Allah’s Messengers, “We make no distinction between any of His messengers” (Quran 2:285).

Allah Desired that human beings make an effort to improve their conduct in a manner that is described in the Quran and personally demonstrated by All Rasul, particularly by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) only acted what was enjoined in the Quran and whatever was forbidden in it was shunned and avoided by himself at all times. It was his conduct that he was called Sadiq and Ameen (Truthful and Honest), even by his worst critics.

Therefore, it was extremely important to establish the value codes in an Islamic Society, and the same was done by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when he established the first Islamic State in Medinah. Since then the core values that most of the Islamic Societies have followed include Tolerance, Equality, Social Justice, Loyalty, Unity, and Common Good. Hence, the character traits that a Momin is expected to have include: Honesty, Truthfulness, Steadfastness, Tolerant, Caring and kindliness, Righteousness, Modesty, Piety (Taqwa), Charity, and Humility.

An individual with these character traits would surely be considered for a place in Heaven and receive Allah’s Blessings as Ordained by Allah in the Quran (36:58). Therefore, I had suggested initially that we are born FAQIR, but we must strive to become the RICHEST to be eligible to enter the Heavens. To unlock the acronym RICHEST, we must remember the abovementioned character traits of a Momin. It stands for being Righteous, Intimate with Allah, Caring for elders, children, and neighbours, Honest in his/her dealings, Enlightened and seeking knowledge, Self Control (Tolerant, Patient), and Truthful to the core.

Once a Muslim becomes the RICHEST from a FAQIR, only then he/she would qualify to enter the Heavens that Allah has Created for His True Followers. Therefore, it is extremely important for Muslims to understand that they will not get away with their wrongdoings only because they prayed and fast, but must comply with all the elements of core values becoming a Momin as Ordained by Allah to be eligible for the promised Heavens.


The writer is the author of the book ‘Nuclear Deterrence and Conflict Management Between India and Pakistan’.

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