The makers dropped the very first song from Shahrukh Khan’s next big project of the year on Monday morning. The peppy dance number, packed with some energetic sequences by the actor and his female co-stars, was released in three languages – ‘Zinda Banda’ in Hindi, ‘Vandha Edam’ in Tamil and ‘Dhumme Dhulipelaa’ in Telugu. The song is composed by South Indian musician Anirudh Ravichander, while the lyrics are penned by Irshad Kamil. Dance director Shobi Paulraj has the credits for the high-octane choreography performed by Khan with his 1000+ co-dancers.
Viewers are loving this new avatar of the Bollywood superstar, as they continue to shower their love and appreciation for the song.
As for ‘Jawan’, the debut collab of SRK, with South filmmaking genius Atlee Kumar and superstar Vijay Sethupathi, also features Nayanthara, Sanya Malhotra and Priyamani, along with cameo appearances from Sanjay Dutt, Deepika Padukone and Thalapathy Vijay.
Bankrolled by Khan and his wife Gauri’s production banner, Red Chillies Entertainment, the action-thriller will be released theatrically on September 7, in five languages including Hindi along with dubbed Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada versions.
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