KP ulema resent suicide attacks, terrorism incidents

Author: APP

Eminent Ulema-e-Karam and religious scholars from different schools of thoughts here on Thursday strongly condemned the suicide attack at Ali Masjid mosque at Khyber district and declared that suicide attacks, terrorism and militancy were totally prohibited in Islam. They said that under the Pagham e Pakistan national ‘Fitawa’, the renowned Ulama, Khatteeb, Mufties and Religious Scholars of Pakistan representing all schools of thoughts have jointly declared that suicide attacks, terrorism and militancy in Pakistan was unlawful under an Islamic law and there was no room for terrorism and subversive activities in Islam.

These views were expressed by noted Ulema and Khateebs during a joint press conference at press club. Khyber Pakthunkhwa Chief Khateeb and renowned religious scholar, Maulana Tayyab Qureshi said that the recent suicide attack at Ali Masjid mosque at Khyber in which a police inspector was martyred, was highly condemnable and declared that such terror acts were against the teaching of Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). “The Holy Quran says whosoever killed a person it shall be as if he had killed all mankind,” Maulana Tayyab Qureshi reiterated. He said that the religious scholars of all faiths and schools of thoughts were unanimously agreed that attacks on security forces, police and the people of Pakistan were strictly prohibited as our religion did not allow terrorism in all forms and manifestations.

Religious scholar, Dr Maulana Ataur Rehman said that Islamic ideology was the key for creation of Pakistan and that was why Islam was declared the official religion of the country. Strongly condemning suicide attacks on security forces of Pakistan including Ali Masjid attack at Khyber, Maulana Ataur Rehman said that all the religious scholars had passed a unanimous Fitwa of Pagham e Pakistan against menace of terrorism and suicide attacks and demanded exemplary punishment to elements involved in killing of innocent people and attacking Ali Masjid mosque.

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