Brain-computer interfaces technology showcased at AMNC

Author: Agencies

Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) technology was showcased at the Tiankai Higher Education Innovation Park of the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions (AMNC).

Humans controlling machines with their minds may sound like stuff of science fiction movies.

Imagine if you could prepare for your next meeting using only your thoughts – a scenario that might soon become a reality thanks to the development of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), according to China Economic Net (CEN). Through BCI technology, such miracle is no longer the future; it is here and now. Advanced technology on BCI was showcased at the Tiankai Higher Education Innovation Park of the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions (AMNC) held in Tianjin, China in the recent week. The Neuro Engineering Team of Tianjin University, China, drawing on the neuroplasticity mechanism, has developed the “Shengong” rehabilitation robot based on brain-machine interface technology for patients with limb movement dysfunction.

Shengong, the world’s first neuromodulated powered exoskeleton system, is applied for the neurological rehabilitation of patients with stroke and other lower limb dysfunction. CEN reporter learns that the system can accurately decode the patient’s motor intention and transmit it to external feedback devices, thus forming a closed-loop brain-machine-body pathway, thereby effectively solving the problems, namely poor initiative, and long treatment period in traditional rehabilitation.

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