With Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahani, Karan Johar’s completes 25 years in the film industry as a filmmaker; Shah Rukh Khan, in this regard, shared the freshly launched teaser of his upcoming film along with a heartfelt note. Khan and Johar are best friends from a very long time. The duo has worked on multiple super hit projects together. Earlier on Tuesday, Khan launched the teaser of Johar’s Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahani. He wrote a lengthy caption along with the teaser in which he praised the Kuch Kuch Hota Hai director for an incredible journey and also wished luck to the cast and crew of the film. “Wow @karanjohar 25 years as a filmmaker. You’ve come a long way baby! Your father and my friend Tom uncle must be seeing this from heaven and feeling extremely happy and proud.” “Have always told you to make more and more films because we need the ethereal magic of love being brought to life like only u can do. #RockyAurRaniKiiPremKahaani teaser is looking beautiful. Love you and best wishes to the cast and crew” Johar went all emotional reading such a beautiful caption and wrote a response in return. “Bhai I love you now and forever”, wrote the My Name Is Khan director.
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