Directed by Tom Harper, Heart of Stone is the first instalment in a series similar to the Mission Impossible franchise. The story revolves around Gadot and Dornan’s characters, who are part of a Charter comprising highly trained individuals tasked with maintaining peace in the world when governments fail. The Charter’s power lies in a stolen “heart,” shown to be in possession of Bhatt’s character. Though she doesn’t engage in action scenes in the trailer, it seems like she’s the mighty villain who can bring the Charter to its knees.
The two-and-a-half-minute trailer introduces the concept of the Charter and its operatives, emphasising their lack of “personal connections and political affiliations.” However, when Bhatt steals the Charter’s most valuable weapon, Gadot’s character embarks on a globe-trotting adventure to retrieve it and clear her name. The clip teases exhilarating action sequences, including skydiving, motorcycle chases, and high-speed car pursuits.
However, it isn’t just Bhatt’s transition from a hero to a villain that makes the project a first of its kind. Gadot’s swift change from superhero roles to a super spy in Heart of Stone has also generated significant buzz. The film marks another collaboration between Netflix and Skydance, with Gadot also producing the project under her Pilot Wave banner. Heart of Stone is set to stream on Netflix from August 11.
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