“Jaan E Jahaan” is being produced by the acclaimed duo Samina Humayun Saeed and Sana Shahnawaz under their banner, Next Level Entertainment Productions. The drama’s engaging story has been penned by Rida Bilal, while Qasim Ali Mureed takes on the directorial duties. Sharing the spotlight with Hamza Ali Abbasi is the talented actress Ayeza Khan, who portrays the main lead in the series.
During the launch of Paragon Salon, Abbasi recently opened up about his forthcoming drama. Expressing his enthusiasm, he confirmed his involvement in “Jaan E Jahaan” and eagerly anticipated the project. He expressed gratitude towards Sana Shahnawaz for providing him with a script that aligned with his preferences. Abbasi also acknowledged the close bond he shares with Sana, Humayun and Samina, considering them as family. He expressed satisfaction that all his concerns and reservations were accommodated by Sana Shahnawaz.When questioned about the drama’s conclusion, the actor intriguingly hinted at the possibility of his character’s demise, citing the past success of dramas in which his character meets a tragic end. Abbasi playfully stated that he is eager to witness the audience’s response to the ending of “Jaan E Jahaan” and humorously added that people tend to appreciate melancholic narratives.
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