Actor Ayushmann Khurrana took to Instagram and re-shared pictures with cricketer Sachin Tendulkar. He played symbolic futsal match with Sachin for UNICEF India to celebrate World Children’s Day. Both of them played football with the budding athletes of India and represented two different teams. Taking to Instagram, a paparazzi account posted video of Ayushmann and Sachin playing a football match with their respective teams. Fans reacted to their video.
In the video, Ayushmann and Sachin wore a UNICEF black T-shirt and black pants. Both of them arrived together for the event. There was a tough fight between their teams. The blue team was headed by Ayushmann and the captain of yellow team was Sachin. The children in their teams were in high spirits and played well but the match ended up in a tie. The official page of UNICEF India took to Instagram Stories and shared the glimpses from the match. Sharing one picture, they wrote, “Dramatic end 2-2.”
Reacting to the clip, one person wrote, “Wow the fitness level of sachin sir… He is nearly 50… But still play football.” Another person commented, “Super (clapping, fire, red heart emojis).” Other person asked, “@ayushmannk what are you doing there?” Many fans dropped heart and fire emojis.
Ayushmann Khurrana shared pictures from World Children’s Day celebrations with Sachin Tendulkar via Instagram Stories.
Taking to Instagram Stories, Ayushmann re-shared the story of Nisa Shetty with a white heart and UNICEF India’s story, where he can be seen sitting with Sachin on a sofa. Sachin is appointed as UNICEF Regional Goodwill Ambassador for South Asia and Ayushmann serves as UNICEF’s celebrity advocate for children’s rights campaign . Ayushmann was last seen in Doctor G with Rakul Preet Singh and Shefali Shah. The film released on October 14 but was a failure at the box office.
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