“Nawaz Sharif has written this verdict and his menial worker has signed it and announced it,” he added. He said that the verdict was to be announced at 2pm and before that, all the gates were closed and media wasn’t allowed inside. “If this decision was a justified one then what were they scared of?” he questioned. “This decision is written by a fugitive and the nation rejects it,” Gill said. PTI leader Asad Umar also condemned the decision as a travesty of justice. “The verdict will soon be challenged in the court and their dream of ‘minus-Imran-Khan’ will never come true,” Umar said in a message on his Twitter handle.
An enraged Shafqat Mehmood of PTI also gave his anger a vent on Twitter. “History also tells us that popular leaders cannot be removed from people’s consciousness through disqualifications or any other coercive action. Imran Khan lives among the people and these ridiculous decisions cannot stop him,” Mehmood said in a Twitter post. PTI’s Babar Awan on Twitter said the decision against Imran Khan is unconstitutional and an attack on the foundation of Pakistan. “The captain outplayed the mafia eleven in the open field and they cannot avenge their defeat from behind closed doors.”
“The country is rapidly being pushed towards a collision course,” Awan added. PTI’s firebrand leader Murad Saeed also took to Twitter and claimed the ECP members were coerced into taking a verdict against Imran Khan. “Everybody knows about the ECP’s controversial role, but who was that person who twisted the arm of the members to disqualify Imran Khan,” Saeed said adding, “One of the ECP members informed us that if something happened him then these ‘people’ would be responsible for it.”
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