ISLAMABAD: In view of the Supreme Court of Pakistan orders, Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA) put the balloting of Hajj 2016 on hold and the next date for the draw will be announced after orders from the Apex Court. According to a handout issued by the MoRA, the Minister of Religious Affairs Sardar Muhammad Yousuf postponed the balloting to ensure transparency in it. After the conditional order of the Supreme Court regarding the balloting, it was decided by the ministry that till clear order from Apex Court no draw will be held, the handout reads. The next date of the balloting will be announced after a clear order from the Apex court. Owing to holdup of announcement of Hajj policy, Ministry of Religious Affairs could not provide the details of Hajj flights, transport and residence of Pakistani Hajis to Saudi administration on prescribed dates as per agreement. The new Hajj policy proposed 10 per cent reduction in Private Hajj quota and 10 per cent increase in Government Hajj Scheme but the Hajj operators knocked the door of Supreme Court against this adjustment of quotas. The further delay in the Hajj draw can cause more hindrance in making the arrangements of Hajj this year.