Special Representative to the Prime Minister on Interfaith Harmony and Middle East Hafiz Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi said the case registered against eight years old Hindu boy, who urinated seminary at Bhong Sharif, Rahim Yar Khan district has been closed. Talking to media, he said action has been taken against the police officials who registered case against the boy. Muharram imparts the lesson of rendering sacrifice, tolerance and selflessness. He said Ganesh temple was rehabilitated within a few days and handed over to Hindu community. He would visit Bhong Sharif to assess the situation. Rich tributes would be paid to Hazrat Umer (ra) and Hazrat Imam Hussain (ra) by the religious scholars in their Friday prayer sermons. Some four Special Coordination Centres had already been established at the offices provincial home secretaries to avert untoward incident during Muharram. He urged the people to trend social media posts only after proper verification and confirmation. Ulema and religious scholars should strictly follow standard operating procedure (SOP) during the holy month to contain the spread of fourth wave of deadly pandemic. He said due to extraneous efforts, the atmosphere of unity and harmony was prevalent during the ongoing Muharram-ul-Harram. Paigham-e-Pakistan narrative was the basic congenial atmosphere in the country. He resented that some political parties were trending Indian and Israeli propaganda posts on social media against Pakistan.