I call myself a mobile journalism geek. You can capture amazing pictures, news and reporting everyday. Every day starts with a new story, news and interesting and attractive once in a lifetime photography. Mobile journalists are multi-skilled so in addition to being able to write, they report using video and pictures. You can use iPhone or Android. Most mobile journalists use portable kits that’s smartphone based so they can produce content, cut it and edit it on the spot. This allows them to file it to the office or post it online in real time and be first with the story. Smartphone technology however has changed the way people receive their news and inevitably this has impacted on the traditional work pattern in a regional paper. Readers are increasingly able to access the internet on the move, giving them round-the-clock access to breaking news stories. We are entering a different era of the digital world. Smartphones apps are fantastic opportunities for many modern Journalists to publish their news or broadcast them in a wider range. They are also obtaining their news from a wider variety of different sources via friends on social networking sites, Tweets and email/SMS alerts. And one of the biggest challenges for those working in the news media has been adapting to these massive social and technological changes. I strongly believe that you must understand What is news? One of the most important talents you will need to develop as a reporter is a keen news sense. You are carrying Mobile with you everywhere and anywhere. Therefore, many passionate journalists download apps on their mobile to broadcast their news live and straightaway without any hassle or wait for the News Van to arrive with the whole team. Another word, No Waste Time policy. This is my mobile journalism and filming accessories. I do not take a whole lot with me, but I do have apps like for filming, editing, graphics, green screen app, and other apps on my iPhone which does help in various aspects of publishing or broadcasting the news. I have a DSLR Camera, Mobile Rig which attaches flashlight, mic and mobile. I have 4 different tripods for each segment, extra batteries, rain proof bag for my accessories and filming gadgets. You must remember news factors which are Change, prominence, proximity, emotion, imidiacy, conflict, oddity, shock/horror, sex, consumer issue and suspense. A good journalist should always have a voracious appetite for news, both to keep fully informed about current affairs and topical debates and as potential sources of spin-offs or follow-ups for their own publication. Being a good journalist should always have a voracious appetite for news, both to keep fully informed about current affairs and topical debates and as potential sources of spin-offs or follow-ups for their own publication. Always avoid random stories on your facebook and twitter. With mobile journalism, if news is urgent then you will not have sufficient time to research. If the news has a specific time then you must be fair, objective, impartial. You will need to be sufficiently wary not to be readily taken in or misled, yet sufficiently receptive so as not to appear jaded and cynical. You will need to recognise and understand all sides in a dispute and not be sympathetic to one view. For social media journalists, there are plenty of (free) apps to help you create snackable content for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other platforms: from teaser videos, graphic novels and photo text collages to interactive or animated graphics. Luma Fusion, FiLmi Pro, free voice recording, field recorder and recorder. You have video leap and Video leap pro and the list is just never ending for so many apps available to buy or download free on your iPhone and Android. Now the only thing you must do now is to get started: grab your phone, get more familiar with the camera app, and test it out. Because this is what mobile journalism is also about: curiosity and practice, practice, practice. And do not forget: you are not alone out there. There are quite several journalists around who work the mojo way. And they are usually very friendly. Out you go now! journalists should not sit in front of their desks all the time. Walk the streets, take photos with your phone, film videos. Good luck — and have fun.