Pakistan, belonging to the category of developing countries and under severe burden of foreign debts almost touching the figure of 105 billion US dollars, is, now a days, fighting against a treacherous enemy about whom even highly developed countries, equipped with latest modern technologies and much more advanced scientific and health knowledge, seem to be proving failure. During little span of time, Covid-19 has almost engulfed the entire globe. It hasn’t been bothering about rich and poor, black and white, east and west, Muslim and Non-Muslim, race and color and developed and developing countries. It has been indiscriminate in nature and is affecting and killing people of all ages. Till the filing of the story, more than 69501 persons have been declared dead while 1274967 are under treatment. It has also exposed equally helplessness of the developing and developed countries across the globe. China, being the first country severely hit by this novel corona virus, tackled the situation tactfully and saved the lives of its citizens. The efforts carried out by government, medical and Para medical staff and even by the citizens are exemplary and matchless. If there had been any other country in place of china, it would have escaped from the fighting ring and gone into graves as a whole. Chinese citizens particularly of Wuhan Province proved themselves as how government’s instructions are followed and how a helping hand is given at the time of crisis. In darkness, china lightened and developed a hope against Covid-19. It would have been very easy for china to send back all Pakistani students studying in province Wuhan but it did not do this. Instead, it kept them all safe in Wuhan. Iran, USA, European and many other countries are uncontrollably engulfed by Covid-19 and deaths are being reported in three digits on daily basis. Even the populist leaders of developing and developed countries are weeping and are declaring their helplessness. One of the differences comes to surface when we compare china with other countries and that is carefulness and carelessness. Corona Virus is severely hitting those countries whose people are careless. On the other hand, china government and its people were careful and combated it in a disciplined manner which other countries are lacking. As far as Pakistan is concerned it has been progressing in a mature manner and is adopting all measures which need to be taken as per WHO standards while keeping in mind its economic and social structure. It is the most difficult time for a developing country like Pakistan to go on with meager resources and under severe pressure of unexpected and shapeless crisis when big democracies have been defenseless against it. During crisis hour a nation cannot be kept in dark and one cannot go further even a single inch after speaking lie with nation. What Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan, did, it was the need of the hour and he rightly unfolded the actual situation of corona virus in Pakistan and took the nation in confidence, seeking citizens’ support in his three speeches to the nation. Federal, Provincial governments and local administration have been working in praiseworthy manner and whatever steps are being taken at federal or provincial level, they are implemented in letter and spirit by District Administration to cope with this contagion. For example, District Administration Lahore started preparation of Corona Virus in month of January 2020 on the direction of Punjab Government soon after it out broke in China. One may ask why the steps taken by government were not highlighted in media. The answer is simple that it (government) did not want to create terror among citizens. District Administration Lahore held meetings with tour operators and took list of emigrants (Zaireens). District Administration went door to door and had corona tests of all of them. Similarly, Special desks were set up at Lahore airport and Wagah boarder to have screening of every passenger. All this was done in last week in the month of January while in month of February, the situation was under control and no case of corona virus was reported. While keeping in mind its imminent entering to Lahore, District Administration started chlorination spray in the entire city, mostly on the places which are visited by citizens on large scale, under the supervision of Commissioner Lahore Mr.Saif Anjum and Deputy Commissioner Lahore Mr. Danish Afzal. This process is still continuing and up till now more than 2000 spots including major roads, hospitals, offices and public places have been chlorinated. Next problem which District Administration was expecting to come to surface was the establishment of quarantine centers where corona patients were to be kept. Three straight of the art quarantine centers and one 200 bedded field hospital were set up in Kala Shah Kaku, just 18 km northwest from District Lahore, within three days where as many as 1200 corona suspected persons can be quarantined. Similarly, a 1000 bedded field hospital was set up in Expo Center and one 100 bedded field hospital in Raiwind. Moreover, special isolation wards were set up in all major hospitals of the provincial capital along with identification of more quarantine centers in all five tehsils of Lahore. Unfortunately, some miscreants have tried to manipulate this situation by hoarding masks, sanitizers and essential commodities and by overpricing of edibles and non-edibles. To overcome this, District Administration has regularly been taking stern actions against culprits and has been trying to nip this evil in the bud by launching crackdown in all parts of Lahore. The confiscated masks, sanitizers and other commodities are being supplied in hospitals free of cost along with their supply to city pharmacies on half prices. Another step which District Administration has taken is the setting up of a control room at DC office that is working around the clock. The main purpose of this control room is to keep on connecting citizens with District Administration in case of any problem or emergency where citizens can contact on 03070002345. Moreover, social distancing, which is the only step to avoid the spread of corona virus, is being implemented on all grocery shops, pharmacies, banks and on 25 flour trucking points by activating civil defense organization in the whole District. To avoid artificial shortage, 25 trucking points have been set up in Lahore where supply of flour is being ensured to the citizens. The price of each flour bag is at ex-mill Price. District Administration has also established 22 camps across major roads, having hand sanitizers and hand washers for the protection of citizens, coming out of their homes in case of any important work. As earlier mention, the important and topmost precautionary measure is isolation. People having the facility of homes might have gone to their houses but what about the homeless people as where they could have sheltered for isolation. For this, District Administration has forthwith set up six temporary pana gahas in diverse parts of Lahore, which are additions to already, established five permanent pana gahas. Homeless people, staying on roads and footpaths, are now staying in permanent and temporary pana gahas. Another matchless, unprecedented and unparalleled step is taken by District Administration which is the functionality of sixteen initial corona diagnostic mobile units. They are running on the roads for screening of citizens. If signs of corona virus are observed in a citizen, he is referred to nearby hospital for complete corona virus test. No doubt, special packages have been announced by the Federal Government and Punjab Government for the ease of the citizens. Whatever, medical or social steps, need to be taken, have been taken by government. Laborers, daily wagers, middle class, rich and poor all have been facilitated by Government. Now it is the time of citizens to play their role and keep social distancing as much as possible and follow the instructions of government and health experts. This novel corona virus is transmissible from one person to other person and this can only be stopped by social distancing. We should be spiritually connected and socially disconnected at this hour of crisis.