Climate action and yoga may seem to be a far away subject for many. However, climate action is actually taking yoga off the mat. Dalai Lama puts it very aptly, “The earth is, to a certain extent, our mother. She is so kind, because whatever we do, she tolerates it. But now, the time has come when our power to destroy is so extreme that mother earth is compelled to tell us to be careful. Nature has its own limitations.” Modern day lifestyle is urban living and is fast-paced in every sense. The pollution in the urban setting is causing many climate change-related diseases, such as skin allergies, respiratory problems, stress and depression. As we discard organic and ancient methods to harvest, prepare and store foods, we are exposed to a plethora of harmful toxic chemicals. Man co-exists with nature as the extinction of one is the annihilation of the other. Currently, the human population has hit 7.7 billion and consumerism has become the bane of natural resources. How can we become more responsible for our actions for curtailing negative effects on our environment and health? One such area of concern is the production, use and disposal of plastic. Last decade has been dedicated to research on the harmful effects of plastic on human health. The overwhelming number of health risks associated with plastic and disposable products is so big that we need to think twice about its use. Today, we are exposed to all sort of plastic products, including food and beverage containers, disposable plates, glasses, spoons and even milk feeders for babies. Celebrity Dr Axe says, “The damage can actually linger for generations, impacting an exposed person’s offspring (and their kids and beyond).” The UN is spreading awareness about yoga and the benefits of adopting it to one’s lifestyle Plastic contains many different types of chemicals; one of the most dangerous is called Bisphenol-A (BPA), which behaves like estrogen in the body. According to researchers, it disturbs the endocrine system. More specifically, BPA disrupts reproductive hormone balances for both men and women. Some research has established a high risk of BPA for Irritable Bowel Syndrome and obesity. A study on “Bisphenol A and Hormone-Associated Cancers: Current Progress and Perspectives” (2015) revealed links between BPA exposure and hormone-related cancers, including breast, prostate, and ovarian cancers. In another landmark study, titled, “Adverse effects of bisphenol A on male reproductive function,” BPA was found to produce several defects in the embryo, such as the feminisation of male fetuses. Other studies have revealed its negative impacts on the brain development of the fetus. In 2018, researchers from Texas A&M University concluded BPA to exacerbate colonic inflammation and increased risks of inflammatory bowel disease. Plastic comes in different grades and almost all of them are unsafe for human health. There are three ways in which the hidden chemicals in the plastic can leach into food and then the human body. First, when exposed to heat, BPA and other toxins are released into the food plastic touches. Thus, plastic food containers should not be used to warm up food. Boiling milk feeders for sterilisation is potently dangerous, as BPA harms children faster than adults. The growing takeaway food trend needs to regulated as most packaging of hot foods is in low-grade plastic containers or polythene bags. Second, when plastic is scrubbed and scratches are created, the toxins pass into the food. Third, multiple re-uses of plastic is not recommended. Most water bottles are made from plastic for one-time use only. To reduce our exposure to BPA, we need to take certain steps. It would be impractical to eliminate exposure to plastic products, as easy habits are well entrenched into our lifestyles. Not long ago, takeaways were packed in a banana or lotus leaf instead of polythene or Styrofoam. We can replace the plastic shopping bags with palm-tree leaf baskets, as was done two decades ago. Principles in yoga teach how to live in harmony with nature and not squander its bounties. Sadhguru, a modern-day mystic says, “The environment determines the quality of life for human race.” Yoga means “union.” Human health and peace of mind when in union with the environment is called yoga. The writer is a Wellness and Yoga Expert