A wave of protest has arisen against the approval of the Pakistan Electronic Crimes Act (PECA). The protests of media organizations hold significant importance, but completely ignoring the justification, aims, and objectives of PECA is incorrect. We have never seen doctors protesting against a crackdown on quacks! Strangely, it is happening in media quarters. On one side, there are fake news factories involved in anti-state propaganda! And on the other side, there are authentic media bodies protesting for press freedom. Social media platforms have become the biggest source of spreading fake news which subsequently create collective disorder. For a long time, the state of Pakistan has been the target of fake news. Swindlers spread poisonous propaganda using the cover of freedom of expression and mislead the public with fabricated fake content. Editorial checks are better in traditional print and electronic media however digital or cyber platforms lack regulatory mechanisms. These unregulated platforms are blatantly violating journalistic values and social ethics. Untrained fame-hungry YouTubers or so-called influencers rely on sensational fake news to enhance the subscribers. It is a matter of concern that many of the fake news merchants are now standing in the front row of media bodies’ protests wearing the masks of journalists. Modern societies have criminalized the fake news business. Unfortunately, as a state Pakistan remained negligent on the matter of fake news and propaganda. Hateful fake material is being spread against state institutions to trigger chaos and anarchy. Indian-funded separatist banned terrorist groups are intensely using the weapon of propaganda to destabilize Pakistan. State institutions responsible for the defence and internal stability of the country are in the crosshairs of propaganda spin masters. The importance of effective legislation against the menace of fake news cannot be denied or undermined using the vague freedom of expression pretext. The PECA bill has now become a law with the approval of the National Assembly, Senate and subsequent ratification of the President. According to this law; dissemination of fake news is a punishable offence. Law provides legal cover to all preventive measures and investigations against fake news businesses, malicious accusations, defamation, and blackmail. Outright rejection of legislation is an incorrect approach and in a way disrespectful to the collective wisdom of the National Assembly and the Senate. Despite this, the nationwide protest of media organizations cannot be completely ignored. The impression has emerged that the government has shown laxity in consulting the genuine media stakeholders prior to legislating on this sensitive matter. This shortcoming has also been openly admitted by some government spokespersons in TV programs. While the protests of journalistic organizations expressing objections to the recent legislation carry a lot of importance, the government’s assurances about addressing legitimate concerns through consultation with media stakeholders are appreciable. It is a matter of concern that many of the fake news merchants are now standing in the front row of media bodies’ protests wearing the masks of journalists. Media houses and journalist bodies raising their voices for press freedom should introspect why they could not stop the flood of fake news. Ironically, media stakeholders have also failed to identify and flush out the fake journalists. and propagandists from. Fraudsters involved in the business of fake news have desecrated the noble profession of journalism. All such fakers should not be allowed to misuse or exploit the platforms of authentic media bodies. According to the constitution, every citizen has the right to form and express an opinion. But this right should not be taken as a license of character assassination, false accusations, and hateful propaganda against state institutions. This is why strict defamation laws are also in place around the world along with the right to freedom of expression. Genuine concerns of authentic media bodies merit appropriate solutions through consultation. However, no one should be allowed to portray fake news, character assassination, hateful activism and venomous propaganda at par with journalism. PTI, being a major opposition party, is also leading criticism of PECA and showing concerns for press freedom. Saner media representatives view that PTI is shedding crocodile tears for the press freedom cause. During her past rule, it was PTI which made concerted efforts for approval of more or less the same PECA. Interestingly, PTI had been using the same arguments which are now being presented by the PMLN in support of PECA. It is also a meaningful bitter fact that many of the PTI supporters have been spotted among those keyboard warriors who are involved in spreading the fake news laced with hateful narratives against state institutions. Apart from the vested interests of political groups, the country’s internal stability depends upon the strengthening of authentic journalism and the responsible use of press freedom rights. At the same time, it is equally important to hold the factories of fake news accountable with the support of media stakeholders. The writer is a student.